

Personally, I love this planet. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Not even my home planet. Man, that place was a dump. Thanks for sharing!

lol, thanks for the link. That was pretty funny.

If there is someone out there with a 10GB cat video, they need to be euthanized! ...and I aint talkin about the cats. Mine are 3GB tops! :)

Yeah, they help you crash much more spectacularly!

That's the dumbest shit I've seen today, and I spent most of it on the internet...

1. You're gonna need a bigger boat! ...like the titanic, err wait... maybe not that big, or sinky-ish. :)

In the words of the immortal "J" - "Don't start nothin, won't be nothin!"

I was sitting on about 100 gigabytes of anonymous data this very morning! But alas, in order to be 'responsible' I had to do a courtesy flush...

Tis true, this applies to MS as well. :) (lol applies is one letter away from apples) I know, I'll shut up now...

Agree! I have used this method successfully in the past. It totally works!

grumble grumble cotton pickin cotton pickers always pickin cotton...

All carbonated drinks make me feel bloated. That's why I stick to whiskey and tequila shooters!


I do not like Jello made from humans.

This looks like a decent device and the lack of Honeycomb isn't a big issue, HTC should provide the updates pretty quickly. I like that they didn't opt for the dual core with this iteration. But, I still don't like anything smaller than around 10 inches. C'mon HTC bring the 10 inch goodness.

I know one thing this would be good for. Shove stuff in the front to make a nice "stash" hole in the back. Store your special items there. No one looks behind the furniture for your Bon... I mean secret items, right?

This is a very neat concept. Depending on the price of device and plan it should do pretty well. It's a pre-configured Android system for the socially minded consumer. I see someone commented that this is the Kin done right and I tend to agree (again depending on price). Eventually, society will be a hive mind. Kinda

Steal a shovel, get a blow jo... err, I mean. Can't we all just get along?

Jesus! It's Jesus, Jesus.