
yeah, "How long is my penis, in miles?" probably not the best question to ask..

I wouldn't do this. Although, my wife had a cat for about 10 years and after he died from kidney disease she had him cremated and he sits on the mantle in a nice wooden box. I wouldn't have done it, mostly because the cat and I didn't get along very well, what with me being a mouse and all.

I love that saying, and it's totally true! Cuz, I know I'm doing everything right and everyone that knows me thinks I'm a lazy POS! HAH! The jokes on them! ...errr at least I hope it is. ;)

You're awesome!


Feel better? Now you made him cry twice...

Whew, that was brutal! Here Sam, you can send the maker this to let him know how you feel. You're welcome!

Now with even more "Super Court Judge"!

YAY, politics! Divide and conquer! We're all fucked, but half of us will be happy because our "team" won! Nice!

Holy crap! Really?! I am switching to Apple computers now!

Some of my favorite things...

Oh no! You aint gettin me to watch that video! Also, 7 to 10 minutes to get a boner?!?

The WineRack is evil! I like the iStraw, does it work with coke? ;)

Yeah, you had to be there. There is nothing like boob shaped smoke signals.

My vote = It's very very stupid!

Admirable! Never shy away from a good fight! ...and that last %10 thought it was going to get away with something. HA!

I remember records. Those things were cool, until they got scratched or warped.

Fuck yes! I love me some fragmentation! Thanks Google!

I haz a sad! It's too bad. So sorry books, we had a great run. It was real nice knowing you. But all good things must end eventually.