yeah, "How long is my penis, in miles?" probably not the best question to ask..
yeah, "How long is my penis, in miles?" probably not the best question to ask..
I wouldn't do this. Although, my wife had a cat for about 10 years and after he died from kidney disease she had him cremated and he sits on the mantle in a nice wooden box. I wouldn't have done it, mostly because the cat and I didn't get along very well, what with me being a mouse and all.
I love that saying, and it's totally true! Cuz, I know I'm doing everything right and everyone that knows me thinks I'm a lazy POS! HAH! The jokes on them! ...errr at least I hope it is. ;)
You're awesome!
YAY, politics! Divide and conquer! We're all fucked, but half of us will be happy because our "team" won! Nice!
Holy crap! Really?! I am switching to Apple computers now!
Oh no! You aint gettin me to watch that video! Also, 7 to 10 minutes to get a boner?!?
The WineRack is evil! I like the iStraw, does it work with coke? ;)
Yeah, you had to be there. There is nothing like boob shaped smoke signals.
My vote = It's very very stupid!
Admirable! Never shy away from a good fight! ...and that last %10 thought it was going to get away with something. HA!
I remember records. Those things were cool, until they got scratched or warped.
Fuck yes! I love me some fragmentation! Thanks Google!
I haz a sad! It's too bad. So sorry books, we had a great run. It was real nice knowing you. But all good things must end eventually.