
@Chernobyl: Zorro snap, in "Z" formation!

@crazypills77: Hmm, still not feeling it. "A" for effort though!

This looks like tons O fun! I can't wait to add one of these devices to my nerd collection!


These are great tips. Sounds like this is getting serious! I feel bad for all the people in the north east. I'm out in the south west and shouldn't have any problems, so if any of you fine people need some heat or electricity, just let me know and I will be happy to email or text you some. No charge.

Nice find, and free too. I will be checking this out. Thanks!

I was born and raised in that part of the woods and I can tell you it looks much nicer from the air. Well, except Malibu. :)

Make croutons, put in soup? Mmm, now I want soup.

@hostile-17: So, Bing is using "googly" eyes? Nice.

Excellent! I will be checking this out.

@lordargent: Wow, I am impressed! You know, you don't have to consume the entire internet in one sitting right? :)

@Jason Fitzpatrick: Um, let's go with Upgrade Junkie. I like how that sounds. heh heh

Anyone doing face to face customer support/interactions (and doesn't have an aggressive personality) should learn this by instinct, at least I did. Most of my coworkers said I should have been a poker player. If you are happy with yourself and have a positive outlook, it definitely shows in your demeanor.

This is really good stuff. Thanks for sharing. Are you sure your not a "techno-fetishist"? Whats the one on the list right before that? Techo-lover? :)

It's a shame that we have to limit our open tabs to reduce resource loads on our systems. If there were no flashy fancy obnoxious ads on most pages, this probably wouldn't be as big of an issue.

That sounds way too complicated, I'll stick with weed and alcohol. :)

@tomatO_-: I guess I'll never understand why people just don't invest in calzones, it's a much safer diversification strategy. :)