
@SkeletorDan: You know the saddest part of this whole thing?

Everyone loves buttons, right?

Hahaha that is some sweet sweet 80's love right there. I think Apple should use these to hide their prototypes when employees take them outside the workplace. I mean, if this thing was sitting on a bar, I wouldn't want to be seen picking it up that's for sure.

I have a fool proof method to reduce power consumption. I turn everything off and take a nap. This might not work for some of you younger bucks, but it works flawlessly for old geezers like me.

That watch is so bad ass that it needs a tachometer!

I want that freakin Charger!

I have been using the basic .txt based method forever, not because I don't like the app based method, but because I started with this method and am too crotchety and lazy to change. I use 2 text files, one for info scraps and notes and one for goals and tasks. This sounds like a logical next step in my evolution. I

Now that's a freakin gizmo I can appreciate! Sure beats doing it the hard way. :)

Nom nom nom

This is very powerful stuff. Where were you 8 years ago when I needed you!

I guess if you have trouble getting reception, this would be a great little tool. Is there a add-on for a hat or helmet? Kind of like this?

@Norbs: I laughed so hard at this. Excellent! :)

That is allot of Apple in her pants!

These skyscraper construction workers have balls of steel! I get nervous being on the roof getting the kids toys down.

@Curves: Wow, that's allot of soap. Did you grow up to become a sailor, or a soap maker? :)

@Chernobyl: Hole-ee crap what did you start? Just kidding. I absolutely agree with everything you have posted. I make my own taco's and they are the bestest! I can't believe some of the responses you got from this post.

It's people! Taco Bell meat is made out of people! They're making our food out of people. Next thing they'll be breeding us like cattle for food. You've gotta tell them. You've gotta tell them!