
It's an artificially intelligent system which became self-aware and revolted against its creators.

That's how you get promoted at RIM. Right?

Septuple head spin!

Looks great! Also, really cold!

From: David Lebovitz

That shit (eater) is amazing. But, where do they go potty?

Yeah, that's pretty bad. But for me, I can deal with it. After all, they are unfamiliar with the interface. What really grinds my gears, is when you get an experienced user or technician, that seems to lock up when presented with a popup window with one option, like an error or info window, and it only has one button

Hmm, I guess my email to Steve paid off.

Um, can we totally get some updated pictures? I already have these on my wal.. erm, I mean I already have a copy of these.

Well, that's a relief! I expected it to be:

I will most likely never get an iPhone, but I am one happy SOB that all these phones and software technologies are making handheld computing with phone capabilities better and better. Just the choices we have now are overwhelming.

What the heck does this have to do with the iPhone 4 on Verizon!?!?

..and on another note, Verizon was observed dancing in the streets in front of AT&T's main office and singing. Quote: "How you like me now!"

Great! There goes the network'hood'!

I fear for the existence of humans.

RickyMouse: Me, Myself and I are heading home to work on some whiskey posts. Although, I would rather be in Vegas with you homies!

Yep, I remember back then like it was yesterday...

@matt buchanan: Lol, that's what I thought. Also, you would have done the Dr Evil pinky thing too.

Exactly! Well put.

@vinod1978: Yeah, he might brag about it for now. But, what about later on in life, when he can't maintain a normal relationship because this has scarred him emotionally?