
Or if she had a big bloody hole in her chest.

I think Meloni's about as dead as Luna is. If he's still dead by the end of next week's episode, then I'll believe he's gone. Happily so, actually, because he's super boring.

Loser: The comics industry, which apparently can't even reach the noteworthiness of Resident Evil 7 (or whatever number it is, I'm not scrolling back up to check).

CON: This True Blood article making me think that this week's recap was already up.

Hmm, you're either too picky or not looking hard enough. Even on my self-imposed comics budget, I find there's more than I can afford to keep up with (and I'm pretty picky, too). Alan Moore alone has written two or three great books since Sandman wrapped up.

102 times a year? That seems a bit excessive, although I am curious how you decided on that exact figure.

I was talking to my 20-something year old sister a few years ago, and she had no idea Superman was from another planet. She was trying to explain her impressions of having seen part of Superman II, and she said it was "like Star Trek or something," because of all the talk of aliens and other planets. So, I wouldn't

I concur. The costumes (and the rest of the visual design work) aren't the problem. I love the books, and I love David Lynch's work, but Dune (the film) just didn't work, even though it looked great.

I like how there are no actors' names on the poster. Because, seriously, who cares?

Wasn't Lobo created as a parody of 90's Liefeld and Co. type super violent heroes? He's funny as hell with a good writer, but I kind of doubt his appearance here will be any good.

I was hoping he'd stake everyone in the room, including himself, because the Authority board meetings are BORING.

I don't have anything in writing I can cite to back up this opinion, but I suspect there are a significant number of New Age-y people who believe in both. Also, if you're talking about people who believe in abductions or ancient astronauts or something, they just sound generally gullible, and that could suggest

I know bourbon is supposed to have more toxins, but they don't seem to bother me. I can drink it all night long, and as long as I have a glass of water before bed (true for any kind of alcohol), I'm good. Red wine, on the other hand, gives me a headache BEFORE I go to bed, and it just goes down hill from there.