
Telling jokes online? I think I’ve got that down alright.

I understand that he’s speaking about an era of baseball that he wasn’t even alive for, but there’s no denying the fact that foreign players are primarily responsible for the damage being done to Bud Norris’s era today.

He makes a good point. For example, look at the NHL, it is only 20% American. And there are fights in the NHL multiple times a night.

eh, cut him some slack; he’s just preparing to announce his candidacy for Republican presidential nominee.

I love, love, love that Bloomberg Business has the options as: the NFLPA chipping in beyond their negotiated credits for stadium projects, or “public and private money,” or “a loan from the NFL.”

Fuck you Raiders.

I wouldn’t want to live in a place that bans Sir Ian McKellen and Sir Derek Jacobi.

Things our mothers and sisters had to hear.

Well if the fan was a dude...

Finally, something the NFL knows how to handle: assault.

Obviously this fan was paid by Bill to force a confrontation. I’ll bet he had a wireless jamming system on him, too.

Well at least the Steelers have one person good at kicking.

Guys, this is definitely legit. I totally remember the Star Trek episode where the Enterprise fought a giant sports mascot by ramming it in the head.

Being familiar with NCAA marching bands, I can say with that was absolutely not an accident.

Poor soldier, having to attend a Rams game. Hasn’t he sacrificed enough?

Read your post, then got a chill down my spine thinking about someone writing a think piece about how the muppets perpetuate and encourage violence, citing Ms. Piggy as a classic abuser.

I’m on Team Denise. Kermit deserves a woman who appreciates him for the kind hearted frog he is and won’t karate chop him 10 times a day.

I’m crackling up over here!

Definitely Not Miss Piggy