
Corporations seeking to protect their copyrights and trade secrets has exactly zero to do with this.

Yes, “hey, don’t be an asshole” makes me autistic. Excellent diagnosis, doc.

Yes, yes it was a total dick move. And a tort. The monitor didn’t belong to him. It's called conversion. Just deciding to repurpose stuff that doesnt belong to you is a dick move. YOU deciding the use the owner is using it for isnt "used for anything of value" is not an excuse. It's ridiculous entitlement. Or, as you

I learned “don’t mess with shit that isn’t yours” in kindergarten. I guess I’m the weirdo here.

Well, you’re using Kotaku’s comment system to be an ass clown, so you should be able to relate.

1. Dick move to make me look for information somewhere else because you’re playing a video game.

Cool, let's just let everyone decide for themselves how property that doesn't belong to them should be used. What could possibly go wrong?

It has always been genuinely concerning to me that so many prominent Nazis managed to escape to South America, presumably bringing their families or started families after they arrived.

“I was just goofin’ around herpa derp! I got kids and a wife derpa herp!”

Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it

The fact that he lawyered up instead of just apologizing really says a lot.

“Tommy is a loving husband and father.”

Additionally, in a statement to CBS News, Callaway’s lawyer stated that he, “did not act with any criminal intentions” and that “Tommy is a loving husband and father.” Of course, how much he loves his wife and children is irrelevant to Callaway’s inability to keep his hands to himself. And besides, Bozarjian isn’t

Alternatively, Amazon could vet their fucking sellers. They’re the billion dollar retail company...not me.

Most likely. Amazon needs to do better at differentiating 1st party and 3rd party item listings on the item page because a lot of people don’t know the different types of 3rd party sellers. There’s the ones that ship their products to a Amazon warehouse (“fulfilled by Amazon”) for fulfillment and there’s the one that

I’m going to guess these were 3rd party resellers. You really need to watch who you’re buying from on Amazon these days.

Ah, but this is why so many people are snarling at her: she probably HAS heart as pure as a Disney princess. She’s sweet and beautiful and very much her own woman, and that can drive some deeply angry and embittered people mad.

Not be white.

I wish (white) Conservative america would just go somewhere away from the rest of us.   

They’re going to keep releasing laws under his name for the next several years, working from his old studio material.