
Absolutely disgusting. The NBA and ABC should be ashamed for exposing their audience to that disgusting, pitiful, wrinkled excuse for a penis, and on national television no less. But enough about Joey Crawford, lets talk about this LeBron thing too.

Well we know one guy who didn’t break out of prison recently.

Ad block plus is my best friend. Though now i’m curious what this horrible ad is all about.

No need to do this Ray. Dallas didn’t forget about you.

My only question is, how do we get “#RelieveBlatter” trending? It’s too good. How did nobody think of this yet?

Just goes to show that you can only be a corrupt organization for 111 years before it comes back to bite you

If I were a celebrity, I would tell lies about my personal life CONSTANTLY. Like, not even good ones, ones like “I used to be an elephant trainer in the Sudan, but then my family moved to Idaho, soooo...”

I absolutely believe the story, but you lose me at “it’s time she came clean”. Who cares? Why is she obliged to tell you her real back story if she thinks there’s a funnier/more interesting one? This isn’t a politician or Brian Williams lying about stories or anything, it’s just fluff filler information that doesn’t

What possible difference could it ever make in your life, my life, or the lives of literally anyone else?

coming forward and being like “Hey, this famous person you guys think is so GREAT...she’s lying about her age and she wasn’t EVEN FUNNY” just makes you seem like a small, salty bitch. Like, this is not Talented Mr Ripley levels of deception.


Throwing a baseball at someone isn’t retaliation. It’s assault.

I work asset protection and I find this funny. “I forgot” is something that I have heard countless number of times. He did not forget, he just did not want to pay like the rest of the people who attempt to shoplift.

There was a reason to lie about the free stuff at the time. If he accepted free food, then the NCAA could have fucked up his season. And it’s not a stretch that the grocery store employees would lie to keep him playing football each Saturday.

“Homophobia, vandalism, racism, all on a Sunday”

Exactly how? They have to have a foot on the bag and catch the ball. Should they curl into the fetal position if they hear someone sliding at them?

Stop. Panda was 5’ off the baseline and I'm a Boston fan.

The real issue here is that Lawrie was clearly safe. Fucking #umpball