
Your guess is as good (if not better) than mine. In due course all things will be revealed.

I thought the past 48 hours were dedicated to all things BMW Z3. Where’s the Z3?!

1/8: 3.9 secs, Top Speed: 221, Engine Displacement: 405

I recommend that Sarah Connor change her name.

I never watched Hill Street Blues. I was just a kid when it was on. Even I get that reference.

I’ve always love the Z3. Atlanta Olymic Blue is my favorite color for one of these. But the price is too high. The supposed provenance means nothing to me.

For me part of the charm of the Beetle is how it came to embody the spirit of the Hippy movement, a far cry from its roots. It became the plucky people mover (Sorry, James May) that help lift West Germany out of the crater of WW2. To own one that even fell under the gaze of Goring would give me the 24/7 creeps. Give

“Did you read that, Rudy? He tried to make point about you but instead it reflected poorly on him. Oh, the unintended humor is so savory.”

I was trying to give you a way out of coming off like a tool. But it appears that being a tool is your M.O. Happy trolling.

Me thinks HeroOfTijuana is angry about something else and is taking it out on you.

When battery capacity and charging times and charging infrastructure improve I will be in the market for a EV. I’ll let the rest of you be the first adopters. Until then I’ll keep an eye on hybrids.

People have been dropping GM V8s under the hoods of Jags for decades because of it’s character.*

I came here to say this. I’m glad you beat me to it. Carry on.

Nope. You are putting words in my mouth. My point is jRaskell thinks the dope should have died no matter what as a consequence of being a idiot. I think that is unreasonable. I want him to think back to when he did something stupid as a 18 year old, realize he lucky to have survived the event, and chill. This kid is a

Please tell the class how as a young adult you never did anything super-stupid.

He went *too fast*. Is now *too furious*.

It’s a Renault! Slap a Nissan badge on it, call it something different, and import it. Isn’t that what they did with the Versa?

It’s not like they shot it, ran the engine until it exploded and then dropped a tree on it.

Tom, I’m totally with you about the classic muscle wagon. Any of them made by the Big Three back in the day with 300+ horsepower would make for a practical daily driver.

You think I think it’s cool to dump that into the environment? Nah, that’s not me. That is not my definition of to *have some fun*. My idea of having fun with it is 1) To jump it 2)Fishtail it into a delapitated storage shed or brick wall on my property 3) Drive it through a single wide trailer 4) drive it like I