
It could be it was so rusty and ragged out it was not financially worth it to patch back together. That would lead me to *have some fun* with it before hauling it off to the scapper. If it was just rough around the edges, yet solid and serviceable, I see some outrage being warranted.

I fully endorse this idea.


It’s because of the ability to have just about anything that is connected in this world be hacked I think my next car will not have a computer (see OLD).

This is why I put Anal Ease on all my tools. 

Who is shocked this happened?


Was this the same day you were ill?

But this had Torchinsky. That made it unique and special.

Now playing

I think Nigel would have made for a better choice.

I like them. For the era they are good looking cars. From what I have read they are one of the last cars built that YOU can wrench on. I also read that many Fiat parts are direct replacements for Ferrari components for a fraction of the price and can still be ordered new.

I now Tweet on a smart watch because of my tiny manly hands.

That was purposely hurtful. I’m not your friend any more.

I have family members that voted for DT for exactly that reason. They felt she thought she was entitled to be President so eff her! I voted for the candidate that would be less likely to start a literal war via Twitter, could actually behave with decorum and not behave in a way that makes my nine year old ask why a

STOP PROVING ME WRONG! My ego is made of crystal.

Is a 350cc really a bike or a moped? I’m funny!

The more I look at it the more I want one. Oh, jeez, I’m getting the shakes.

I can see where a V4 is better for a motorcycle because you can build a more compact frame for the engine. A I4 of the same displacement would result in a elongated frame and possibly lead to a uncomfortable seating position.

I love this *thing*. To me this is a true race car: Nothing but nerve, rubber and horsepower.