
It’s so beige. No doubt it will be a useful and practical vehicle. However, I think GM’s hurting themselves by not having a sporty coupe to electrify.

My lack of time, money, and space is breaking my heart right now. There are a few I’d love to bring home.

He will play my ex-roommate’s lover in my biopic.

I am shocked to see no Dodge Charger/Challenger V8 incarnations on this list.

You are projecting your thoughts into my comment. I never said or insinuated that.

This is good news but I doubt camera companies are going to lower their prices instead of enjoying a greater profit margin.

He has legally changed his name to Fernso and will establish a Mad Max inspired bicycle race.

I’ve never noticed that either. Could to be with the models that make gobs of torque the roof is the only thing keeping the vehicle from twisting itself into a pretzel? Besides a roll bar is there a practical way to channel that energy throughout the existing structure? I need answers, people!

“This is a truck for people who want a luxury car but are culturally obligated to own a truck, because that’s all they’ve ever owned and cannot envision a world where truck ownership is not a factor, whether it makes sense or not”

I have always found the AMX to be fun to look at. it reminds me of a Ford Falcon you’d see rolling around the streets of Australia. A good way to pass the time may be to hop on CL and see if I can find any for sale. I haven’t seen one in the wild in decades.

Mild playful trolling?

1st Gear: I started to notice a big downturn in quality in Nissan’s offerings starting in 2004. Used to be a fan of their products. It is disappointing to see the company in such bad shape.

My Kia Borrego welcomes the Telluride to the family.

He’s wearing sandals. Just step on his foot to set him straight.

One of these in white with a white vinyl top and blue cloth interior was my first car. It was stolen out from under me 18 months later.

On the camera there is a shutter speed dial that most likely has a B on it after the lowest number. The B stands for Bulb. It allows you to hold the shutter open for as long as you hold down the shutter button or the bulb (the cable extension that has the syringe-like shutter release). If you shift the shutter speed

I like this Frankenstein. Take the whole thing down to bare metal and spray it with a clear coat and call it done.

I say buy it and drop in the drive train of a early 1980s Carolla.

It reminds me of something Saturn would have produced.