
The Lotus is equipped with a low profile Mr. Fusion. 

VW needs to hire a Canadian spokesperson. That way when I read where VW apologized for something I know it was half way sincere in its delivery.

And yet I will find some way to carry on.

Why is it when I look at this configuration of LR I always feel compelled to take a dump? 

Is that a yellow wrap on a red Ferrari? If he wrapped a Ferrari he got what he deserved.

I looks like a Honda Accord.

I want to be chastized by May for missing a turn and goaded by Clarkson into going faster.

Mythbusters reference?

We forgive you.

I think you and I are very close in age. Seeing it in Weird Science and Risky Business cemented it in my imagination.

It’s the chrome pony that causes all the C&C mayhem. I deem this car to be as safe near a crowd as a Toyota Yaris. 

There are plenty of rich rednecks.

The original ads were weird in that they did not feature the car. NO CAR!

Is this that YOLO thing the kids talk about?

Who thought it was a good idea to put Draculaura in front of a audience again? 

I feel as though I wish a asteroid to hit Earth and kill us all after reading about these people. Even the possibility of one of my descendants turning into one of these mush headed derp buckets is too much to take. 

I think you crashed the site!

Lay Person Opinion:

If you think you’re going to need to run from the law at any point in the future you need to go all out James Bond or don’t leave the house.

Cheap and easy defeat for this: Lower your car or install mudflaps.