
Easy: To meet safety standards you have to add stuff. Stuff is heavy. Stuff erodes fuel efficiency gains. Stuff the stuff and drop a modern drive train into a old car to reap the benefits of more power and better MPG. You know you want to drop a modern 6.2 V8 and trans from a Cadillac Escalade into a old Buick Estate

This is so tempting. NP & 1/2.

I thought about going this route. It did not take long to learn they are more Chrysler than MB in terms of quality. Would not buy.


I now have the urge to do this to a Chevy Tahoe.

I was about to comment about how dumb this idea is when my second cup of caffeine entered my bloodstream and awoke my sense of humor. NP: Would buy if I’m a Saudi prince.

NP, but you can’t buy it without a beautician’s license.


To much flexability in the Flex caused the problems I suppose.

I don’t like this. I know Audi ditched a racing program recently to focus on competing in a new electric car series. Is there to be a electric WRC in the near future where trickle down advancements from Audi can make their way into VW vehicles?


Newt’s had it in for anyone named Clinton for over two decades. And accusing Fox (wrongly) of liberal bias is biting the hand that has fed you for the past decade. 

Nothing about this car is redeeming. NOTHING. Buy it, crush it, have a good evening knowing you saved the world from a malaise era pseudo Volvo. 

“The problem is, I’ve been having a hell of a time finding nice one.”

Honda Odyssey. We caved and got one last year. It’s much better than a CUV/SUV when it comes to kids. We just got back from a week at Disney. It ate two full sized pieces of luggage, two carry ons and two stuffed backpacks without anything peaking over the third row of seats. All we did was cover the bags with a

Agreed. Many of Jalopnik’s readers are of college age or a bit older. So most of them are not looking into the future where spouses, kids, and pets will dominate the landscape of their lives.

I’m late to the party but I approve.

How does one drive a car made from clay? And how does is get from 1:4 scale to full size? I see nothing about Dr. Doofenschmirtz and a Big-inator so I’m at a loss as to how they accomplish that.

Tyler, I appreciate your enthusiasm and willingness to take one (a very big one) for the team with this LR. It’s fine and all to Tavarish this thing by problem shooting and doing all the wrenching yourself. But the thing with one of these is you will always have something to repair. It’s not totally about the money.

Shoot. Me. Now.