It was Ballaban, and it was cornflakes.
It was Ballaban, and it was cornflakes.
Heros? Hardly. A hero is a firefighter. A hero is a kid 8,000 miles away from home in the service of his country, in the armpit of the middle east trying to snuff out terrorism at the root. A hero is a mom working two jobs and going to school at night to provide a better life for her family. All these a$$hats did was…
It only took me a full year to get around to enjoying this comment. Good job, Freddy. *raises glass*
I like how you added both grills. While the AM style looks good the one off its big sister looks even better. I think even just adding a solar panel mounted behind some Gorilla Glass in the front and framed to look like either one with nice T in the middle would be a positive way to go.
Once again the internet goes nuts over something that should be a non-issue. My fat @$$ in a Miata would do more damage than either of these 120 pounders. They’re not even wearing shoes! If I had a convertible and two hotties wanted to dance on my seats while someone took pictures I would expect to have to pay for the…
Delta Burke’s Dojo is supposed to remain secret. Now it will have to be abandoned and rebuilt elsewhere.
I understand the itch he speaks of but I think I would keep the car and not get the new one. I’d use the car payment money for something more productive. When/If Elridge decides to start a family that is when I think it would be time to have the sell it/keep it debate.
I have to agree. The first thing I looked for was how the trunk opened when given a overhead shot. Not seeing what should have been obvious I hoped to see something whizz-bang cool. I though for a moment the whole roof lifted up with the trunk lid, had the hinge at the seam in the middle of the roof which would have…
Those colors belong on a pimp’s ‘76 Chrysler Cordoba.
I’ll keep it short: If a all electric Mustang hot rod can be built a more livable and less expensive kit can be built to convert someone’s beloved gasoline powered car into a electric vehicle. If you think the idea is bologna then that is your opinion. You can try to convince me otherwise but I’ll just skim your…
One can not have a life and play this game. The two are not compatible.
NASCAR developed from cars set up to drive fast, full of moonshine, and out pace the police. Is what he did really so different?
A car like this has a lot of potential for not a lot of money if you don’t mind having a solid rear axel.
No. Bad decision, Texas.
Okay, cool I get it. What I am interested in is a conversion kit for existing fossil fuel cars to turn them into electric vehicles. Hey, Musk, please devote some *energy* toward that, okay?
I undersatand the allure of Audi. I have a thing for the original A8L, like the one use in the movie Ronin.
This cop is jerk. He put lives in danger using the spray as he did.
You need to make sure you don’t have any cracks in your exhaust because you’re a tad loopy, Freddy.