I saw this. I was impressed by what they said. It got me thinking of buying a VW TDI. It did most of what it was supposed to. But alas it was not meant to be, thankfully.
I saw this. I was impressed by what they said. It got me thinking of buying a VW TDI. It did most of what it was supposed to. But alas it was not meant to be, thankfully.
Why must English cars be so d@mned English? And desireable to me? I swear there needs to be a annual booster shot for people like me that reinforces good judgement about not buying Astons, Jags, LRs, MGs.
Give me 0-60 in six seconds and a 500 mile range, Mr. Musk.
I demand to know when the scratch and dent sale is.
I’m holding out for some security camera footage.
It looks like a deformed moose.
I demand to see one of these in Star Wars 8. DEMAND!
This is my new favorite video.
CP. Unless you are a Saab-ophile there are some much more enjoyable cars to be had for half the asking price.
Importing is simply too difficult to do unless you pay a third party a $H!# load of money to do it for you.
And I can barely get 4G on my stupid phone.
Next he’ll tell us he’s married to Morgan Fairchild. Yeah! That’s the ticket!
I agree completely. The platform lends itself to any number of automobile applications. I like to imagine one hell of a track car made from it or a true boxy VW Bus-like/Mystery Machine van.
Sometimes is fun to tap on the glass at Jezebel by playing Devil’s advocate.
NP on the concept. CP on the execution, poor photos and the stupid stickers.
Cars like this are all about showing off. Braggarts with deep pockets are the market for these. In real life give me a new Camaro V6 with a suspension and brake upgrade over this.