
I’m sorry everyone. I think I'm the one that pushed him too far. #pimpmyride50cent

It looks good. I was not familiar with the stats for the 2016 so I just looked them up. Zero to 60 in 6.1 seconds is excellent. So they’re looking at what, 5.9 seconds for this one with the power increase and weight savings?

From what I hear the octane level of gasoline in Europe is a bit higher. Maybe that is the real reason?

I hope his 15 minutes are almost up.

Thank you for posting this. In my dream garage I have a race car of this vintage.

Lisa’s apparent tone was whiny. She’s basically complaining about this gift being s huge time suck. And I said *probably* about the church being a megachurch because a smaller church would not even begin to whine about several hundred thousand dollars landing in their lap.

Celebration Church is probably a mega-church employing people too busy to get off their a$$e$. The house and the real cars are probably worth around $250,000. The toy cars priced at just $2.50 to get them out the door are worth $75,000. So ballpark that’s $325,000. Do your damn job, Lisa!

This is why I stay with table tennis.

They’ll find pieces of this eveywhere, even outback.

I call dibs on my the mechanicals!

16 city/21 Hwy

NP, even though everything about it screams 1983.

The one I saw was being unloaded from a carrier in Marietta, Georgia yesterday. Looking at it I half expected it to start hovering.

Thanks for writing this. I saw one for the first time in person yesterday. Pictures do not do it justice. It looks like it is from a Tron movie, in a very good way.

I understand your pain. When I was a kid my dad went from a ‘78 Mercury Cougar to a ‘80 Buick Citation.

That’s too bad. It’s one of the best looking new cars within reach.

I feel a little ill knowing that once upon a time I wanted a Camaro of this generation. Now there are far better options to this malaise era turd.

Good. Now get some Feds that love to crush innocent illegally imported cars to have some fun with his buggy.

Anyone have a idea about how much this would cost on your average FWD car?

Thanks to Nissan there is plenty of French auto DNA hitting our shores as it is.