
Is that green paint or patina?

Had that been a Miata or BMW the front and read would have been equally submerged.

It should float because it has plastic body panels!

Honestly, who can control themselves around bacon? It’s a gateway meat.

I’ll gladly overpay at a eatery that has a baby sitting service built in.

This is boring? This is actually very interesting. I want the diesel hybrid, please.

Agreed. This was interesting to learn about. Too bad they stopped working on this idea. The diesel hybrid idea is something I wish would have been brought to market.

I’m not a VW person but I see where this would have merrit to a number of people. I say it’s at the upper end of NP.

Devil’s Advocate: What this was not a brake checking incident? What if the Ford had a radar detector that went off? The driver applied the brakes to slow the vehicle and the tailgating Chevy/GMC suffered the consequences?

I just checked out his Instagram account. He appears to have a touch of affluenza about him.

I’d have the latest ‘Stang because of that rear end (I love it like JLo’s) and the ease of which it is to drive on a daily basis. I’ve lived long enough to learn to bring home things that create harmony.

+1 Rec for the Disco Kroger referrence.

God bless the valet mode.

I nominate Bono to go there and sing at it.

Honda, how about you build a car for less than $100,000 that is more like the original NSX? That car was almost perfect and gave Ferrari fits.

Way too much for something with no heat or air. CP.

In ten tears you’ll have a wife, two kids, a mortgage...You’ll have zero time for hobby cars. Buy now what you can and enjoy it. Your time is coming.

If I were your neighbor your driveway would cause me great concern. Your ‘hood must not have a HOA.

Hanging out on Facebook watching scooter videos is no way to go through life, son.