
I don’t see what the hubbub is here about people standing up. Or at least, let me define what is ok in my book. I think it’s just fine for anyone with an aisle seat to get up, take their bags out of the overhead, and stand by their seat waiting for their turn to exit off of the plane as soon as the seat belt light

I attended Dev Day on Thursday only and it took place at some of the Marriott ballrooms. The only time I got annoyed at the strikers is when some dude with a megaphone was yelling at some other guy walking in an calling him a scab. The guy replied that he was only cutting through the lobby but the striker just kept

I too got a platinum over the weekend. My first game ever. I think the high rate of platinums on this game can also be attributed to the fact that the trophies aren’t that hard to get. There really is no grinding other than getting base and challenge tokens, and those aren’t needed directly to trophy but rather to get

In general, I hear that wages/salaries in Japan are lower then the US across the board, at least compared to where I live in the US (SF Bay Area). I’ve worked for JP companies for almost 20 (damn just realizing this now) years. From hints in convos with my JP counterparts, and some my senior, lead me to believe I make

Love omurice, but I opt for the version that replaces ketchup (I’ve never liked the stuff) with demi-glace.

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I so wanted to be him when I grew up. Being an Asian kid in the 80's seeing guys like Kane and Ernie Reyes Jr in movies kicking ass was so cool.

I always do the courtesy wave in my car. If anyone ever lets me in or if I lane change with maybe too-little room left, I will always do it to say “thank you” or acknowledge I’m a dumb-ass. Even though I almost never see it done by other drivers here in CA, it’s still something I do.

The Doc is a caricature. Just about everything his character does is inappropriate. He’s to some degree sexist, racist, ableist, and multiple other-ists out there. It’s like getting mad about Family Guy. No one is supposed to take his character seriously to any degree. To call The Doc out on his character flaws is

I kinda miss the old “more than morally questionable” Kratos of the first couple of games.

As much as would’ve loved to get into indie studio dev (especially when I was younger and had no kids), I’m glad that I’ve kept to publisher side production. Although no job is a guarantee, it’s always been reassuring for me and my family to have the security that working at a larger publisher provides. I just never

Freaking out at “hi guy” while in the maze in the front of the mansion is the first time I remember being scared playing a game. EDIT- I just realized that was AITD 2.

Holy hell. I love this game...probably the most non-competitive game I’ve ever played, and I never replay games. The gameplay, music, and aesthetics are all on point for me. One question though, how am I seeing double jumps? There’s no double jumps in the game.

I think a big part of the toxicity is that a large percentage of game fans feel that they are entitled to transparency and input. This is great in theory and provides a great PR and Marketing story. But for some fans, it’s developed into an attitude that game devs owe the public continual updates and buy off on the

$10K (or thereabouts) is the cost used to estimate/justify each content creator on staff. QA always has a different number built in and in publishing models where the publisher takes care of the QA, it doesn’t even hit the dev budget and is sometimes classified as a pub cost.

Aaron Hernandez should’ve been the one with the spike of death.

When I was younger, I thought it would be cool to live and work in Japan. Even when I started my career at a Japanese owned company, I wanted to participate in whatever long term exchange program I could get into. Then I got older and talked to ex-pats coming back from years in Japan and that turned into a “nope”

Andrew Zimmern did an episode at one of those before. He had a very hard time getting through some of the food there. The kewpie milkshake look particularly wrong.

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Got some “Mother” from the Evolve trailer

What a flashback. The original Xbox version was one of the first games I published.

I’m not disagreeing with you and frankly it doesn’t bother me at all, but I find it humorous that you’re using a gender biased phrase when referring to women as the “fairer sex”. Although it can be taken as a positive generalization, it is still generalization. The easily offended might call it demeaning.