“How can games look better than this?!”
“How can games look better than this?!”
CA desert/mountain driving it truly fantastic. The did a trip from Vegas, up the CA/NV border and cut west through Bishop to eventually get to Mammoth Lakes. Took every remote looking route I could. The roads are really in great condition because they get little road traffic. Once you get out of the basins/valley,…
TtD (Time to Dick) is a real stat that needs to become a regularly tracked metric in games.
I think that's part of the problem though. Even when operating within the current laws and practices, cops are given so much leeway and so much depends on their judgement alone that the rules by which they can use lethal force make it seem they're out to kill everyone.
You're fooling yourself if you think that's why these guys died. Scott (unjustly) died because he scuffled with a cop and ran away. Brown died because he allegedly was fighting a cop. You make it seem like these guys were shot dead because they had a broken tail light or because they were jaywalking which isn't the…
I second that. I distinctly remember (take that as you will) Jill's breasts (can I just say tits?) moving in the original version.
Need the aeronautical version of a burnout for a layperson to understand that this is significant.
Frankly I'm more amazed that there's a car wash in California staffed with a white (or at least white looking) girl out front.
I have a large version of this at home. I was lucky enough to snag this from someone in Capcom PR years ago. It's the original treatment though. Oriented straight up and down, no sparks, with smoke added coming from Ivory's muzzle. It's 4'x3' and HQ printed and mounted on foam core. Really nice and one of a kind…
Great write up. The third time I played that level, I had worked out a system that made it very easy to survive the first village. Knowing that entering the entering the house with the shotgun is basically when shit hits the fan, I would go there last. First is to run through all the surrounding houses, engaging a…
I just can't do auto. It's not about what's better for any situation or car. I just prefer driving manual. I'd get my Tahoe in a manual if it was offered. The family SUV is just about the only car I'd get an auto on.
Reminds me of a Miata that I see on my daily commute. It's slammed, dirty, fart can and all. I'm pretty sure it's his only car that he uses as a DD and for auto-xing. In big white letters purchased from the hardware store, he spells out "I'M NOT GAY" on the passenger side of his windshield.
Just checked and looks like more slots opened up. Signed up for both a 2 series and 5 series session.
Glad I saw this! I registered and snagged a slot in what looks like the last available slot for the SF event.
Blame YT compression. When you watch live, depending on your connection of course, you it can stream in HD at near 60 fps which occasional artifacts.
This is pretty good. I'm still partial to Jake's DuckTales rearrangements.
My hopes of ever going indie went away once I had a kid. Getting laid off in my first job in QA was enough for me to never want to experience that again. Fortunately, I was a single collegian at the time. Since then, I've embedded my self full time at a publisher. While it's by no means a guarantee, there's almost…
Google Maps link? I'm not seeing it and I'm heading down there this summer and can use a nice trek in the Tahoe.