
I owned the Dreamcast Shenmue guy. But yes, Shenmue fanboys can be very loud.

Telltale’s games are absolutely NOT the same genre as Shenmue. Heavy Rain is more in the ballpark.

If Bungie didn’t care about PVP, then why is House of Wolves way more PVP focused than the old expansion? Why is the best way to level up in PVP modes?

Yeah anyone could run a Dserver on a PC, it was very cool. Amazing that we can’t have that for a $90mil game.

Dedicated servers improve performance as a general rule. When you are trying to HOST and PLAY at the same time on the same machine, it causes problems for the hardware trying to handle it all.

Well when trying to hook in the ‘nu kids’ gotta go w/ that new-fangled RockNRoll music w/ those shaggy haired lads from the UK.

In 2002, it was possible, and it was done. In 2015, with a budget 150x as large... nahhh

So where dem dudes in suits at? EPIC STORY

A fake Gjallahorn that shoots Tshirts

What makes you think a fan of actual gameplay elements would enjoy Shenmue, which is a QTE fest with no real gameplay or RPG elements?

Suikoden does not compare the Shenmue in anyway. Shenmue is a troll game, for trolls, by trolls. The entire point of Shenmue is to make fun of videogames, and by “game-i-fying” real life tasks to the point of of a punishing mundane virtual prison of QTEs, bad graphics, and the worst Anime storyline you’ll ever feel


Yeah I was gonna say, Chaotic Neutral all fucking day, also Dual Wield skill bonus.

So Batman is now a Mecha-Suit on Steroids / Race Car Driver. I mean, I guess... :(

Probably, but you never know w/ this stuff.

Waste? Tina there was a fly on the pie, she would have been justified to nuke the whole town.

Costas is wrong frequently.

Is your experience being a Shia Lebuff hanger-on?

This is one of my favorite deadspin comments in many moons, I can’t explain why.

Just had a bad one on the return, older lady refused to move her seat to accomodate a guy with a young kid, so instead she yapped her damn mouth for 5 hours straight to a 5 year old, often repeating her dumb statements, and over-sharing of her personal life.