
Isn’t Marky Mark also somehow involved in this nonsense?

I don’t understand that reply, but you’ve posted many things w/ the same tone.

Inventory sure, but controls? every single big-website review enjoys the console controls more.

“Sorry not/sorry for calling you a dog-fucker”?

I used to lifeguard and teach swimming lessons, always had more girls than boys, all races.

Everyone should learn to swim, that being said I LOVE the fact that they call swimming in a filthy pond “bathing”.

They tried to raise me catholic, so in the tradition of catholics, I felt guilty about it, but never talked about it to anyone and never did anything about it.

LOL you called MSNBC news

That guy is overweight? He has maybe 10lbs of extra paunch, y’all dating John Hamm or something?

Howard Stern’s penis itself is not notable. In a 2011 interview he spoke of his length when “aroused:”

We are all aware at this point that marriage is a construct of various societies with most of them sharing the patriarchal model and a financial incentive model, as well as intense pressure to repopulate the village.

Real Talk: Walked a bit at work, overheard a conversation between a 2 people.

C’mon Yogs, you’ve been posting for a while and your posts often contain info about how great your life is w/ your hubby.

So your unsolicited ‘advice’ is to avoid the internet and television, and only watch youtube?

Straw, I did not state the following.’s Andy G. is in love with this show, I can’t get past the title and concept.

Yeah Hollywood is going to dumb it down, and make it for kids and load it up w/ CGI and crossovers to J. Z. AbrhamSnyder films :(

I’m a big gruff guy that cried like a kitten at the end of W3. Ok, who am I kidding? I cried throughout 80% of it.

Are they assembled in unbearable working conditions by indentured child-slaves? Then count me in! Do they sync w/ my iPads?

And as far as traffic on Kinja goes. No, absolutely not. A handful of replies with 1-10 starred posts is absolutely meaningless to click-bait numbers.