
I’d like to help you understand what I am talking about, but you’re very aggressive and insulting and angry about it towards someone you don’t even know.

I don’t do lets play, but I did play TellTale TWD and enjoyed it quite a bit

Yeah that’s what the reviews said, but I didn’t get that far.

The dimension of OLDs. I come to you from a time when platforming was the ONLY genre.

Diablo 3 was also “could not really work on consoles” and then with some effort, thought and planning, it turns out it controls even better on consoles.

I strongly disagree. Consoles are loaded with tactical RPG combat. All it takes is a smart design and using the concept of nested/macros.

There is literally a part early in the game with literal platforms you have to jump on, and they blow air.

Cool tattoo phrase bro.

Yeah I guess I forget that detail in my first post, I stopped playing it very early on. I take full responsibility for not liking something! I own up to it :D

If you constantly find yourself inundated by Bieber, then you need to reevaluate your viewing and listening habits imo. I mean New Years, talk shows, who watches this?

Get in line champ.

There is a false premise out there that “we all liked garbage” when we were kids. Nope, that is not true. The mass market always makes garbage popular. But there are alwayd deviants from the mass market.

Reebok has always been an incredibly lame brand of try-harders. It fits perfectly w/ Dana White. Wealthy, yet failburger awful.

Great article that really captures the heart of the matter. Dana and company are turning the UFC into a lamer version of MLS.


This issue is a HUGE problem in NBA2k and Madden franchise modes. You can take basically any first round pick in either game and turn them into all-stars in 2 years without trying that hard.

Dat desk chair DOE, i like the looks!

Me 2, but some games “force” me to buy them day 1. GTA games, Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age. But more so more than ever I get the “should have waited” vibe.

On the other hand, Smed cancelled my favorite game of all time, Everqust Online Adventures on the PS2 :( but no one deserves DDOS

Dang, Smed was one of those guys you’d think would never step down after so many blips and glitches. But the friggin DDOS DERPS took him out? That’s just sad, we need to do better.