
My big thing now is sending out low SPECIAL scrubs into the wasteland naked. If that managed to find outfits or good weapons, they get back in for another day. If they die... good. (remove em) :(. But when doing the actual click and drag, I find it “easier” on my feels if it’s bald or ugly toons, and I generally pick

yeah it lags like mad now for me, only 150 dwellers. I can manage but it might make me go blind and have my fingers perma-cramped :D.

I accept the apology from the producers of the best fake MMO I ever spent $110 (hyperbole, I have the PS4 white/destiny) on in the first year, and barely touched any high level content. Congrats on getting rich off our desire to pew pew into caves for Bejweleds to pop out.

Anytime you have a position that is based on “this generation of XYZ is like THAT” it becomes a strawman. Every generation has an entitled segment, that is often loud about being entitled. You also have to consider that complaining about complaining is ... And it’s not about the developers, it’s the usually the

Well it’s up to Sony to market the game and tell us what PS+ Driveclub is even supposed to be. I see realistic cars, tuning options, and I assume it’s more sim than arcade. I see Mario and Karts and Burnout explosions, I assume arcadey.

Ark Asylum was a brand new sub-genre of gaming. I played that game nonstop one weekend and finished it. I have finished a single Batman game since, they’ve all been grindy and boring and the stealth gameplay just keeps repeating itself.

A female character being callled a hooker in game? What is this the Twitter or something? :)

Ok, so as this is meant to lure people in and buy the full game, appeal is the entirety of the context for me. This is a PSPlust “Free game” which implies some sort of baseline package that exceeds a demo. (unfortunately Sony can, will and has changed what a “free game” on PSNplus even means anymore... but regardless)

Sim sim fans... want real trax.

Depends on if it’s “grape” (corn syrup and flavor and dye) or “real fruit bar” type popsicle from TJ/Whole Foods. The “real fruit (with all kinds of added concentrated fruit juice, which is almost pure sugar)“ are really tasty.

And hopefully he wears Robotech battle armor on steroids and drives a tank too! :(

India is categorically classified as a Developing Nation. It’s not an opinion of mine, or my analysis. I am merely reporting what the facts are.

Someone else already answered this. India, is by definition an “developing nation”. That term refers to economic status in the world.

Agreed, but when you use phrases like “the market has provided me a choice” it starts sounding very faux-libertarian. :) They love the blessed, all knowing, all correcting “market”

The only reason I played it was for that initial concept and the HOPE I had that falsely, after I grinded out enough gear, I would uncover an open world MMO. I was naive.

“All 15 imaginary tracks in India”

There are many developing nations, India for a racing game... is seemingly a random selection in the eyes of this consumer

energy drink category leader

Yeah comparing the Multiplayer lite, PLAYER HOSTED SERVER of Bloodborne to a 16 player racing game is outright nonsense.

Bought Suik 1 and 2, but it’s amazing how a little thing like the fact that I can’t play these on my PS4 makes a difference as to convenience. Firing up the old PS3 and using that old controller is less appealing than using a PS4 controller.