The Tin Foil Ninja Strikes Again!

The pilot’s name is Detmer and she was dang delight this episode.

I feel like we’re not watching the same show. I don’t disagree that the character exploration is shallow, but the show has branched greatly in terms of giving the relatively large cast their own moments this season... it’s a slow drip, but I’m really enjoying the entire cast. I thought this episode’s story did a great

Another for the “bizarrely angry Discovery review” pile. This one is better at seeming like it’s not a “waaaaah this doesn’t make me feel like TNG made me feel when I was 9" screed than the ones on Reddit, but that’s all this is.

I have huge, and arguably misplaced faith in season 2. That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy Season 1. In spite of all of it’s flaws, I loved it. I don’t think the fact that the showrunners switched half way through productions is considered enough when judging it either. It’s an unambiguous tonal shift that disrupted

Man, I hope that you’re right. I really didn’t like Season 1, but I really want to like Trek in all of its forms.

This episode was a delight. I laughed so hard at the ending twist.

So, is it a horse or a bull?

Watch it there buddy........

This doesn’t even follow Discovery cannon Saru said his people were hunted prey .

Fuck it Dude, let’s go bowling 

Neat idea but call me when they get the Android emojis.

White people want all of our rhythm, but none of the blues.

Hi Guys! I have a 99 Miata MX5 10th anniversary with a 6 speed manual. It looks like it sat in a barn for years so it needs a bit of a spit shine. Should I keep it all stock since it’s a 10th anniversary edition or trick it out to my heart’s desire? What would you do?

I don’t know if anyone here ever checked out the site that shows the scale of our solar system called “If The Moon Were Only One Pixel”, but I checked it out to put this (6 million Km) into perspective, which is inarguably an amazing feat.But when you take a look at how far out that is I can’t help but to lie in awe

A number of probes have flown with dust detectors, including the Helios probes mentioned above. While the inner solar system dust environment is not terribly well characterized, scientists have used what data do exist to model the environment and judge the impact on “spacecraft health.” But it’s still space out there,

They must have gotten that ‘thing!’ I sent them.

Not to quote myself, but......

Perfect homage to this classic .gif:

I want a fucking parade for this guy.

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