The Tin Foil Ninja Strikes Again!

Very aggressive. The attributes of a pot head. You're just proving his point.

This is getting stupid.

"She really shouldn't have a nose ring..."

I love Joerg and what he does, but he needs to up his game. I say he creates another monstrous slingshot mounted to some sort of home made go-cart and reenact scenes from Mad Max.

Maybe the mortician will cut his family a good deal, maybe slash the price.

My favourite alien armour of all time is the Forerunner Combat Skin...


Be willing to walk away. Prepare ahead of time and don't let your emotions get you in over your head.

Becoming an astronaut is the easy part. To get to Mars you will need a government with enough vision to see past the next election. That's hard.

Martian beaver, you say?

Regarding a <24 hour battery... it is a painful, painful thing. I'm lucky if I get 15 hours (Samsung Nexus).

I have that after a big plush Mexican meal.

Think about it, you normally put a phone in your pocket with the back facing out, this way, you can be listening to music and not have to grope around the sides of your pocket to control the volume. My first reaction was very much WTF, but on second thought, I think its pretty clever.

... and the "1" isn't even centered correctly.

I find this news...appealing.

Should I need a band, Goffin's Lock-Pickin' Cockatoos shall be their name.

this will be hard to watch with such a massive erection.

I meeeaaaaaannnnnn...