The Tin Foil Ninja Strikes Again!

I’m happy they marked out the trail of bodies that a T-800 laid waste to.

“On the weapons side, we’re kind of ridiculously excited about the giant chainsaw,”

I’ve always wanted to fly in a shoe with bunny ears. Thanks, Terrafugia!

This picture makes me so excited. I LOVE it. To hell with all you haters!

The Sky? Really a portal afterall.

Woah there Mr. Perfect. We all can't be you.

I've seen bigger....

Immediately made me think of Bunny from Tiger and bunny. I dig it.

I've always had a passing interest in cars as a kid. When I was little, I was very mechanically inclined, but for some reason, I was too interested in making robots and building legos to really bother with cars.

I had the inspiration to do a hand drawn movie poser for The Force Awakens in a grindhouse, pin-up style. I have it all mapped out and hopefully by this weekend, it'll be all done! I'll be sure to post it if the opportunity comes.

"I have been and shall always be your friend"

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I'd say the time the Cytherian probe hacked Lt. Barclay's mind and he interfaced with the enterprise, thereby taking it over. I don't think it's ridiculous unless ridiculously awesome counts. So, yeah.

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Actually, you're all wrong. Riker was a species of fuzzy alien beard that was like the Tribble's cool uncle who's a bartender. It then grew a human for mobility purposes. Being the superior beard species that he is, he outwitted the schoolboy-esque face that was the commander Riker we knew, and shanghai'ed him on


It's basically because in Virginia, the state highlighted, the traffic police are NOTORIOUS for doling out the most severe punishment to speeders and other traffic violations. Going over 80 mph could land you in jail for 3 days, have your license revoked, be fined thousands or all of the above at the same time.

I LOVE the specs, buuuut visually speaking....

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Sorry guys, the only thing I could think of when watching those vids was: "Man, Star Wars kid really grew up to take this shit seriously!?!"

GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY! That is a FINE vehicle.