The Tin Foil Ninja Strikes Again!

For those who are worried about injecting malaria into a human to fight malaria; if you ever had a flu shot, it's basically the same thing in principle. We often use virii against themselves.

I can't help but to see it as a throwback late 90s apple design. Round edges, organic curves, hard plastic, etc. I feel like if this design came out in 2004, it'd be considered an obsolete design queue. It looks good, though.

I live in new haven and found out about all of the private jets that fly in during graduation season this past year. Ho-Le-Crap. I always try to fight the stereotypes of CT people being rich, white, waspy-elitist (all of which, I am not), but wow. I didn't have the vocabulary to properly defend my position in front of

For posterity's sake.

This life thing? You're winning at it. Well done, sir.

Clearly this map is wrong. Connecticut isn't in the black!

My pants suddenly became more crowded. Mother of god....

Agreed. It's a sign of the times we live in where games like dodgeball and cops'n'robbers are banned in the schoolyard and kids would rather pick up an ipad and sit rather than fill up a watergun and have fun. C'est La Vie I guess!

There have been MANY great super soakers after this one, I.E, the classic CPS 1000. However, that one is quite possibly the best water gun ever made.

You, sir, win all of the intertubez.

I started watching the original TV series of Batman and I have to say; after watching that after a weekend smoke, I learned to appreciate and even come to love the absurdity of how completely campy it was. Watching the trailer, I see a LOT of the original TV series in it. I guess it aged in my mind like wine juuuust

This is the closest thing to flying an X-wing that any of us may ever get. I'll take mine in the "rustic rebel" trim, please.

A fair point, my good sir or ma'am.

In short,

Do they know what a "misuse of government funds" is? That entire investigation.

Being the hit at parties that I am, another major flaw is that DNA just wont last 65 million years. At most, we're looking at 1.6 million give or take. So, there's that old...uhm, chestnut.


Unless this blimp is WAY off course, LA is not on the east coast.


Wow, I can't believe they don't sell these anymore. I bought mine for around 180$ and I thought it was a steal. I really hope they have an MT-820 or MT-830 in the pipeline.