The Tin Foil Ninja Strikes Again!

There was something oddly profound about that. Bravo.

It was pretty cool. Then it became better when I realized that Moss was narrating.

Simple. You can't blow up the enemy with art. Why dump money into things that can't blow other things up? We have a military to fund, people! Not Art! Those ICBMs don't pay for themselves, you know!

I'd have to go with the Catepillar 797.

I'll just leave this link here:

Make a mission to mars an Olypic event. Done and done. Make it a world effort and everyone wins the gold if it works! Slap a Visa logo on there, or a McDonalds logo! I don't care! GET US TO MARS, DAMNIT!

Oh how I wish I could +1 this comment!


Now playing

I know this is a terribly stoner thing of me to say, however watch the featured vid on mute and play this song. Woah.

I'll see this movie, but I'll state my one grievance here. This movie needs more Moss.

Now playing

Had to include this. Damn nature, you' scary!

I don't care what other people say. The stoner channel is an absolute delight even if you don't partake in herbal essence. @Andrew Tarantola, don't change a thing.

God Bless America!

I'm beginning to see a disconnection between legislative authorities (i.e. SOPA) as well as CEOs and the reality of their situation, be it a bill or running a company.

Wait...wait wait wait....