Shawn Alfaro

Well, let’s hope the children are OK and everyone else is dead.

I was dining at a very fancy restaurant on the French Riviera with good friends. As the fromager rolls up the cheese cart, my buddy reaches out with his own knife to cut off a hunk of cheese. The fromager reached out and slapped his hand. F’ing hilarious.

“Flexibility” as a rule means bosses trying to screw over their workers - as a rule that’s only good for the boss, not the workers.

Listen, the very notion that they’re genuinely “doing” anything is flattering to them. If they were serious about some sort of insurrection against government, they could—would—have picked virtually any other building in North America to start it. They don’t want a fight. They want to get interviewed on Fox News.

Had this happened to me and they drew a Dickbutt instead, I wouldn’t even be mad, I’d be amazed.

I never took trademark law, but does the fact that an identifiable group of people were actually offended enough to take it to court in the first place factor into the calculus at all? Because although klitoris and Make Your Own Dildo may be offensive, its hard to know who it offends unless they reveal themselves (so

I’m gonna be that guy: I-280 is up on the Peninsula in the Bay Area, not LA.

It’s like you’ve never met a 20 year old guy before.

It takes a lot for me to yell “Holy shit!” at 3 in the morning by myself, risking my significant other’s wrath if I’d woken her, but man. Holy shit. Dale Jr was obviously shaken in the Victory Lane interview, and I think it’s apparent why that sort of crash at this specific track would be particularly upsetting for

Fuck the NFL. They take themselves too seriously.

I don't know, I kind of look the same way after 420.

It doesn't work that way. The officials inflate both teams' balls—to the psi requested by each team. So unless the officials fucked-up big-time, both the Colts' and Pats' balls started life in the 12.5-13.5 psi range.

It's crazy that you think the casual PSP owner even KNOWS that they can hack their system.

What the hell kind of poop water is solid goddamn black like that? Not any poop water I've ever seen!

It's really not. You slide off a cover, undo a screw and your in.

enter console and enter cht_bEnableCheats = 3 and teleport to the next floor

Thought someone actually made some kind of puzzle/adventure game about actual Black Beard-y pirates trapped in an actual elevator. Kinda disappointed.

Jesus I forgot how hideous the original Xbox interface was. Everything about that console in terms of aesthetics was like if someone took a fictional game console from a TV show made by people who didn't understand videogames and then made it a reality. Hell even the name is kind of like that.