“Listen, Colonel Sanders was a white man who was born in the 1800s”
“Listen, Colonel Sanders was a white man who was born in the 1800s”
Not on my first car, but on the first car I got to drive regularly - it was a ‘79 Dodge Omni with manual transmission (and without luxuries like power windows, air conditioning, or power steering).
Yeah, as I understand, any military opposition a U-2 comes up against is met with “fly higher”.
OK reply.
I once dated someone from a very rural area. There seriously wasn’t a lot of commerce around there. A grocery store, a couple of gas stations, a family diner/restaurant, and the nearest Wal-Mart was a couple towns over. And in that town, they 100% considered Olive Garden to be a fancy dinner.
This brought back a wonderful memory of when the residents of the upstairs apartment decided to use the toilet to dispose of their cat litter. Of course it clogged and overflowed, and their multiple failed attempts to fix it (which included flushing it some more, and some more....) led to water leaking through their…
As I was reading the setup, I was thinking a Buick or maybe even a lower end, small Cadillac would be perfect for this one. I mean, remove yourself from road and environment feedback as much as possible? It’s what they were made for!
My first car was a ‘78 Honda Accord 3 door manual in Silver, for $200. This would have been around ‘91. Lasted a year or two before a piston disintegrated. Cleared out the debris, and managed to drive it to the salvage yard on 3 cylinders.
Don’t forget the the hookers and drugs. Most of them are also on the support yacht, and just enough to “meet the needs of the moment” are brought over to the main one. Helps avoid extra hassle from any inquisitive authorities and some deniability for the billionaire.
You and Disney+ both—for the past year, the steamer has kept pop culture hooked on a steady drip of appointment TV
It’s like someone tried to set this up as a money laundering scheme and accidentally started to pull in actual customers.
Good to know! Unfortunately, my laptop is very much NOT up to those specs...
New owners of an Oculus Quest 2 - and I’m not finding Google Earth VR in the store at all. Is it limited to earlier/other versions?
As someone in KC, which is getting a whole slew of Whattaburgers now, this is good to know.
Hey, you need to do a write up of the fried chicken at Go Chicken Go! I mean, it’s only 5 locations across 4 cities (in the same metro area), but...
Regarding Kansas - I may be out of date, but from what I recall, the Kansas Supreme Court had ruled that abortion access was protected (not explicitly, but by interpretation) by the state constitution, and that it would require an amendment to enact a restriction.
Reading a discussion between these two usernames is making the back of my monkey brain itch.
I can’t help but to think that the UV lighting in that van is a.... brave choice.