I was gonna bring up Mötley Crüe as a counter example.
I was gonna bring up Mötley Crüe as a counter example.
Sure to be sued soon by the firm Cease+Desist, which specializes in defamation suits and other PR issues in the Pacific Northwest region.
Throwing in my team of Bo Jackson, Leapardon, and Bruce Leroy
Man, I remember as a kid going to the Paramount Music Palace in Indianapolis, and listening (and watching) the “Mighty Wurlitzer” there. The pizza was OK, but really, we were all there for the show.
Important Note: Don’t be fooled! It turns out “Sugar Rush Christmas” is not set in the video game world made famous by the “Wreck It Ralph” franchise, as it’s title might lead you to believe.
Man, I used to love that show as a kid....
No, YOU get the meat shaft.
Synonyms for impossible (thanks to thesaurus.com)
If I’m flying alone, yeah, I’ll just sit there and chill. Spend a few minutes catching up on messages, send a few to let whomever I need to know I arrived without plummeting to a fiery death and may need a pickup, maybe scope out what pokestops are in the terminal and see if any are reachable from the gate, or finish…
Eh, Ii was really going for phonetic on the end there, and only put the z in at the end to exemplify the over exaggeration of it.
One of my favorite in-game appearances isn’t even in a dystopian near future(ish) game, but a straight up fantasy world. Guild Wars: Factions featured the location Kaineng City, which to me at least looks like a straight up medieval Asian version, where you spend most of your time running around on rooftops that run…
And some credit for Donny Osmand as well. Like him or not, he’s got some definite ability, and he’s definitely a showman.
It’s sort of a sliding scale, where most pronunciations are more or less acceptable.
They just dropped their new service, Deadspin+, and didn’t properly anticipate the overwhelming response.
Yeah, but Les Mis is 99.9% songs. The only bits not sung are an occasionally barked/yelled line in between, or amid, songs (not including any lines coming from Russell Crowe)(yes, I know, wrong version, it’s still a good joke). Little Mermaid is at best 50% songs, probably closer to 35%.
If you feel like waiting in line for good food in Kansas City again AND waiting in line for good ice cream, then I highly recommend Betty Rae’s. Original’s on Wornall, and they just opened up a second in the River Market area. All house made with a rotating menu, and they’ll dip into a few dairy free options that…
Today someone put three bags of Hostess Donettes (one each chocolate iced, powdered, and glazed), and they are at least 2/3rds gone now. Yeah, free office donuts go no matter what.
Does anyone have any recommendations for the KC Metro area? We’d like to try one, but damn, there’s a lot to choose from.
“OMG Quick! Remove This ANDROID App That’s Really Malicious Malware NOW! It does all sorts of evil things and eats your kittens too! (And it’s also on Apple iOS too, where it’s still on the App Store, even though Google has already removed it, but) THIS ANDROID MALWARE IS DESTROYING YOUR PHONE YOU ALL!!!”
It’s sad that the only other role I really know Cleavon Little from is Once Bitten, which was Jim Carrey’s first time in the lead role. Little plays the right hand man to the vampire trying to seduce Carrey. He was great in that role, though very underutilized.