Well done, Kinja, well done.
Well done, Kinja, well done.
It’s funny how white people want it both ways. They are quick to come with the “not all white people,” but will also generalize about black people with statistics about crime, etc., when it suits them.
*His* left will be *your* right.
So we start with references to Cthulhu, Norse mythology, Rocky Horror, and God of War, all in the intro paragraphs before you even get to the meat of the article. You’re really going for the pop culture grand champion this time, aren’t ya?
There’s really no-tin wrong with that. If you are so offended, next time, call the coppers.
I had never been in a theater that sounded as quiet as the one I was in after Gamora’s demise. And I think that includes completely empty theaters.
All you fancy pants dandies and your pre-processed ingredients. You want the real deal, you steal a potato and a tomato from the neighbor’s garden and throw it in a blender with a couple shots of the cheapest grain alcohol you can find.
I got one question - “Does <nearby bar and grill> have a pool table?”
As with all her interviews up to this one, she has assiduously avoided giving a straight answer about her sexuality
Nope, no 10K Maniacs. Ironically, it’s all Kate Bush and Tori Amos mix tapes. He just doesn’t understand the lyrics. Go fig.
I think RHCP is only a so so original works band, but between Higher Ground and Roller Coaster of Love, they do make a fine cover band.
I do not believe that ANY George Clinton, Parliament and/or Funkadelic song can be effectively remade. It’s just simply impossible.
This is why Ghost Rider needs to stay out of wheelchairs.
Eh, I don’t know about top 15. I’d say top 20, maybe 25.
...Yesha Callahan. Don’t let the Irish last name fool you—peep that first name.
of course not, he just has a lot of uncontainable charm.
At least a few colleges in border cities offer in state tuition levels across the state line. For example, Univ. of Missouri at Kansas City offers it to the residents of Kansas to match Missouri resident rates.
True. I read somewhere that your average human has a vocabulary between 5,000 and 10,000. If you make an effort to use at least one word on the fringe of your lexicon, you’ll bump the numbers even higher.