Ask Dr. Nerdlove is Kotaku’s bi-weekly dating column
Ask Dr. Nerdlove is Kotaku’s bi-weekly dating column
And you’d be fired instantly and have no job, and it’ll take you months to find a new one since you’re now blacklisted from every Sinclair station across the country. And they own a lot of them. These anchors literally have no choice.
The 40% is phrased in such a way as to not be an outright penalty for quitting (even though it is), and (allegedly) legal. It’s related to the specialized terms of their employment.
I’m a Christian Scientist. Why should my tax dollars pay for ANY medical treatment, other than prayer and faith?
What Sport Causes The Most Farting?
It was a dark and stormy night when #allhellbrokeloose, but let me tell you about how this really started....
Problem: In an apparent act of blatant sexism, the guy playing the Prince is making a lot more money than the woman playing the Queen.
I personally see no need and have no interest in singing the n-word when it crops up in lyrics. As for cross gender lyrics, as a hetero male of the paler variety, I can’t think of any blatant examples in my playlist right now, just mostly examples that could be gender neutral, if you don’t think about it too hard. But…
We could end up with more of a Tank Girl style apocolypse, where everything is run by the ominous “Department of Re-education”, and gangs of mercenaries roam the ruined landscape with bounties in hand to capture those who get behind on a payment and sell them on the burgeoning slave trade that fuels the lavish…
I love that your cover image is from one of the times when ANW filmed in my home city (that’s Union Station in KC, for anyone interested). Both times they filmed here, we made time to watch some of it from the hill across the street.
My wife’s a big fan of the Nailed It PinstaTwitteGram or whatever it’s on, so of course we’ve seen a few of these with our kid. Especially since my wife was once a baker. Damned amusing.
Hell, I was just thinking I’d be asking for empty tampon boxes to use to carry around pencils, etc, and make sure they are easily visible, just ‘cause “’F The Man!” reasons. And as a male, that will surely bring up all sorts of fun issues.
He’s carrying the atlas because he has a crap data plan, and can’t afford to be running Google Maps all the time.
Is there anything in the book that is explicitly homophobic?
I get that this is about sauces that are readily available nationwide, I do. But, as a resident of Kansas City, reading this article was on the verge of being actually painful. We are blessed in that we can walk into just about any local grocery or convenience store and find shelves of BBQ sauce from the local joints…
Oh, look the “Dey Took ‘Er Jerbs!” crowd is out, cause God forbid a hard-working foreign immigrant dare to speak up to his or her True-Blooded, Natural Born American Citizen Betters (R). Go back to your cave and/or Trump rally and rant about how we need to build a wall across the Atlantic, racist.
Who is/was more hated? Brady’s Patriots or Lebron/Wade’s Heat?