
How about “Washington Team America, %&$@ Yeah!” Sure, it’s a bit wordy, but I think it can catch on. Make the unis the most stars-and-stripes thing ever, with a bald eagle on the back with wings stretched out to the shoulders, and helmets painted like Uncle Sam’s top hat.

No problem. Thanks for bringing these apps to my attention. Somehow, I had not heard of either... I’ll have to try them both out.

Despite all that success you still can’t play without a non-iOS device

Well, at least they’re staying hydrated...

Depends on if he has a similar problem make a vulva cake for a heterosexual couple.

What would have been exceptionally ironic is if this article auto-played the song...

Here’s the twist - Gronk plays fantasy football, and his opponent next has Gronk at TE. He just wanted to fix the playoffs in his favor.

Don’t forget the 9 some “..and Goal to Go” downs (continued on and on by penalties) they defended before the Jets finally made it into the end zone.

Funny that the really incredulous part of that statement is “...they’re all smiling. At a Jets game.”

So, now that they’ve identified the source... can they develop a method for transfusing S-Cells? You could theoretically bestow anyone with the potential to go SuperSaiyan. Give some to Piccolo, that would make for an interesting story line. Have some villain figure out how to steal them, and drain all of Goku’s,

It doesn’t matter if it’s well or top shelf, there’s enough sugar in that thing to help you get anything down.

On the flip side, you can now afford to drink enough that you forget (or the very least don’t mind) that you’re at Applebee’s.

As a fellow Chris, please allow me to make a statement on behalf of all of the League of Chris.

I’m Oregano.

I think this also applies with the genders reversed (young male, older female, especially when the older is in a position of power), though maybe not as rigorously. Thoughts?

It’s an alternative opinion to be sure, but with the right family, 1 PM is a damn good time.

*I prefer the pure simplicity of “porch monkey.”

My first thought...