Buick Roadmaster: Every one of these should come with a cassette with “Holiday Road” repeated on it for the tape deck, standard.
Buick Roadmaster: Every one of these should come with a cassette with “Holiday Road” repeated on it for the tape deck, standard.
RE: Team of Walk Ons - You skipped the corralary question about the basketball equivalent. I’m saying the IU Hoosiers have a good chance on this one. Seriously, HS basketball really is such a big thing there, more than HS Football is in Texas. It would be them and surprise dark horse CUNY.
My child started to get into Settlers of Catan at age 7. Plays well enough to compete with adults too, though she does like to go for Longest Road every time...
Actually, Target has really made an effort in the family board game category recently. Now, I’m still a fan of the smaller, dedicated game shop for selection and the staffing that knows the product and can make informed recommendations, but not everyone has a good one nearby. In that case, Target has a decent…
How about recommendations for fans of some old school horror games? I’m thinking 7th Guest/11th Hour, or D...
/*Reads the headline “Whitest Email Ever”*
You’re now almost the age I was when the Orange Box came out...
This is the first time since 1986 that the U.S. men have not made the World Cup.
a more roundabout way of saying ‘there’s a hole ... that can only be filled by a different person’
Some of the worst traffic in my city? Alphabet Loop. Oddly, not the worst congestion (I-35 rush hour usually), but one of the busiest and worst to navigate.
Interesting, maybe just to me - Director’s with multiple entries on this list:
Counterpoint: I’ve known people who are actually color blind, as in the medical definition, where they actually have trouble telling colors apart, and really, really hate it when some municipality decides it would be cute to hang their stoplights sideways. And they have no problem at all telling a black person and a…
But it follows the convention of Base Ingredient first, followed by Topping Ingredient. Like Mashed Potatoes and Gravy. Or Biscuits and Gravy.
I think we’ve all covered how the extra points didn’t matter, and this was the safer alternative to avoid injury and possible catastrophic idiocy. What I haven’t seen mentioned is why a failed 2 pt conversion vs a failed PAT (unless I just missed it). Basically, it comes down to taking a long snap at the 15 yard line,…
Kansas is going to go 14-2, loose in the divisional round by 2 points after butchering the clock, and all will be right in the world.
True, but I’m not sure it gets much more millenial...
Yeah, I suppose my point of view is influenced by the industry I work in, tech, which is notoriously misogynistic. My experience (yes, anecdotal, and not data) in this field is that men of color (of any hue) are more represented than white women. And women of color are least represented by a very, very wide margin.
Chefs? Hell, for safety’s sake, we need to make sure they are fully trained and licensed veterinarians...