
He shares his writing, so he's asking for it.

US employment law requires "reasonable" accommodations. You'd need a lawyer to backstop you, but yes, there are times it's OK to fire a pregnant worker - if the pregnancy is a threat to herself or others, and there is no other job you can reassign her to.

"Causing horror or shock." So it's subjective, depending on how we experience it. Personally, I don't freak about accidents where nobody's hurt/killed. Property can be replaced.

Or injured, at least. An accident where everybody walks away may LOOK horrific. but it isn't.

It doesn't matter, except as professional courtesy, because satire is considered "fair use."

The Beatles can't - at least that's what they testified at George's plagiarism trial.

Came here for that reference. Was not disappointed.

Cigs+booze age you exponentially.

Huh. I thought if an un-grey person followed you, you were ungreyed.

I gave you a follow, which I think will un-grey you.

Oh man, I misread that as Chevy Volga. Which I now want.

He painted it yellow to mock her, IIRC. (Because she wasn't going to race it - ie she was a coward)

Ever work on a live set? People really, really bust their balls. If the producer was obviously not pulling his weight, I could see where the anger came from.

Of the pro-ABS arguments, the "insurance companies want this" is the one I find the most persuasive, as well. But I'm surprised the case for ABS isn't a slam-dunk, and suspect others might be, as well.

As I understand it, the data showing that ABS reduces accidents isn't all that solid.

And a Tesla is a hard sell if you live in an apartment, as most wealthy Chinese do.

It already had a 140,000 miles, so yeah, I knew I was playing with dynamite.

My comments only apply to British Leyland, Queen Elizabeth-driven, Range Rovers. I have no idea about the current BMW ones.

When working, the Range Rover is the most comfortable car in the world, IMO. And I've driven Silver Shadows and a SWB 6oo Pullman.