
It wouldn't surprise me if an ambitious DA along the route comes up with a legally imaginative way to charge them. We'll have to see what happens.

I am not a lawyer. But if I were, I'd argue that if my client testifies about the others, he's still self-incriminating, because by process of elimination we'll be able to figure out when he was driving.

You can be jailed for contempt if you don't testify against others, though. The 5th Amendment only protects against self-incrimination.

It might mean the Charger has better weight distribution.

Dos Equis dark is actually a pretty decent beer. I could get behind this.

"Lada" is the Russian word for swan, for whatever that's worth.

They're apt. Red October was based on a real life Soviet destroyer that mutinied and attempted to bolt for Sweden, IIRC.

I wanted to name my daughter 'Amanda Zeus" - Zeus, after the first cat my wife and I had. The wife was OK with the "Zeus" part, but hated the song "Mandy." So it didn't happen. Daughter's middle name is now "Franklin," after the failed polar explorer. (And an awesome song by The Pentangle. )

Not the OP, but I've seen GTRs in our high school parking lot. (North Jersey)

One my cousins DD a TR6. Your verdict is right on the money.

I think BMW owns the rights to most of the classic, dead British brands, including Triumph.

You're overlooking the revenue tickets bring in. Greed, not stupidity, is the issue.

Our next door neighbors in Jersey City had one. When running properly it was awesome.

Check his handle. He's one of our overlords, probably.

That's one scenario, and in many ways the most sensible. I have a couple of reservations.

What would a decisive victory over ISIS look like? What assets are needed to achieve it?

IANAL, alas. My layman's understanding is that it's really, really difficult. And if the judge stays on the bench, he's got a permanent hate-on for you.

Not sure how brave you can be to someone who can jail you for contempt of court on his say-so.

Indeed. This is proof.