
In Communications 101 you learn that your "message" is whatever the people hearing it think it is.

I took care of a mom with dementia at home for a couple of years, and didn't realize these benefits existed; I paid out of pocket for a home health aid. Mom was already retired, so SSI or SSD weren't in play.

'93 Passat VR6, 5t - not overly reliable, but a blast to drive. My ex hated me for getting it, missed it when it was gone.

But it's flood-damaged, so it might as well be wrecked or burned to a crisp.

What about Christianity? (historically)

The loophole is, this is entertainment. If the "part" you're casting requires a male, you're allowed to not audition females. IANAL, and obviously this isn't a "part" in the way say, Julius Caesar is. But that's probably their go to defense.

It's worth it just for the robot arm that hands you the shoulder belt. I had a white '90 420sel. Still miss it.

Followed by "Eject, Buckaroo, eject!"

Depends. If has a good lawyer, and documents everything, he might be alright. I've seen crazy women lose big in family court. Not always, but it happens.

That too is possible.

Are there still highways with no speed limit?

Daughter/Car Taste can be unpredictable. Mine gets her license next year, and her dream car is a '67 Chevy Impala 4-door with a big block. (I think because the TV show "Supernatural.")

Army nurse? Possibly PTSD.? Obviously her behavior is horrible, but I won't condemn her w/o knowing the whole story.

Just get an older Ferrari that has sane ground clearance. I once test drove a late 70s 308 with 98,000 miles on the clock on cobble-stone streets in the Bronx. It was fine; felt solid like an old-school Mercedes.

The ex and I learned to drive a manual when we bought a Passat VR6. Her dad had to teach us. One weekend and she was good to drive it to work on Monday. The clutch lasted as long as owned the car. Both of us are pretty clutzy.

Yes, but when was the last time two highly developed countries fought a war? WWII. And back then, none of the players had the large middle classes they have now — that came postwar.

They run out of surplus people. As countries industrialize birth rates fall. It won't happen overnight, like Gorbachev fall. But in a few decades, when all the cheap crap we buy at Walmart is made in various African countries, we'll know the end is nigh.

I'm glad it's working for you, but your experience may not be typical. Admire your dedication, though.

In many ways they're better. If we're lucky, the GWOT will end in our lifetimes, as the Cold War did. Modernity is powerful, and few can resist it long. Patriarchal societies just don't work when there's science and technology. The Islamists and Christian Fundies are the last gasp of something falling away.