Exactly, and that's the kicker: the Republican base is nuts. No nationally viable candidate can get the R's nomination.
Exactly, and that's the kicker: the Republican base is nuts. No nationally viable candidate can get the R's nomination.
Yeah, at this point it's hard to see Hillary loosing. There are no sensible, Eisenhower-like Republican candidates on the horizon.
Chris Christie's possible proprietorial misconduct (and Giuliani's) would certainly be an issue if they run for president. Republicans typically don't become public defenders.
Does fear of lawsuits play into that reluctance, or are they just dicks?
Nordstrom's has concierge service, doesn't it? (I haven't been rich enough to shop there for awhile)
By that time that happens, you'll be "white." Just like the Irish.
Did he own a certain mid-engined Lotus car from the late 70s-early 80s?
The 300SEL 6.3 is my all-time favorite MB Sedan, at least post-war. Someday I will own one. You're right - those are early 70s. But they did have a long racing time-out, following the disastrous LeMans crash.
I agree, but the long time out they took from the 50s to the late 70s hurts them in the overall scoring.
Didn't Cadillac also do well in the old Carrera Panamerica (sp?) series? Briggs Cunningham wasn't completely crazy when he raced one at LeMans.
Renault has a long racing history, too.
Being a surgeon requires truly insane levels of self-confidence. They're the psychopaths of the doctoring world.
It sure feels that way. I lost a lot of weight last year, and then my immune system basically said "fuck this, I'm outta here." I was miserably sick for six months and yeah, gained the weight back, plus a little.
If you don't have politicians, civil servants wind up with all the power.
One of the best ways to screw up predicting the future is to take a current trend and extrapolate it into the far future. Obviously women lag far behind men in high visibility positions of power. But the idea that girls should go to college and have careers is, historically speaking, quite recent - in the fifty…
INAL, but 2nd degree murder requires "depraved indifference to human life," so presumably that's the charge. Some states also have "3rd degree" murder - what we used to call "Felony Murder" - which is when someone dies in the commission of a felony, the felony here being the child-abuse of leaving the kid in a hot…
KINJA! (won't let me edit). Sorry, this was a reply to the poster who wanted to know more about Japanese work culture, not you.
Lets just say they put in a lot of hours, but not very efficiently, if you're talking white collar jobs.
If you're going to sue, there can be good tactical reasons to wait until the statute of limitations is about to expire.
You don't really understand how internet commenting works, do you?