
I love The Talisman with all my heart

Damn, 79 isn’t that old. That’s sad.

Cars aren't several stories tall, though.  The engineering required to build a structure that cavernous is impressive on its own.

Cue all the typical cruise ship hate on jalopnik…

Because of all of the many blowjob and male masturbation scenes in film trailers?

Is Olivia Wilde trying to be insufferable? Do people actually like her? 

I wish I got this reaction from it, it just seemed like bland pastiche and the usual JJ Academy mystery box bullshit with the IS HE GANDALF?! OR IS HE SAURONNNN OOOOO! As if they are going to somehow restrain themselves and not work in Gandalf after paying 250 million for the rights to do exactly that. I think i’ll

I’m sorry, what? She’s “mad” that the TRAILER didn’t have pr was allowed to have more oral sex?

I am firmly Team Flo where she was like “I really wish this awesome movie wouldn’t be reduced down to having steamy sex scenes.”

Oh fine, you win Don’t Worry Darling people, I’ll buy a ticket just to shut you up.

The juice isn’t worth the squeeze at this point with her. 

I’m willing to cut Wilde a lot of slack because a lot of what she’s been accused of, are things that tons of male directors have done.

Wilde can’t help proving her stupidity publicly. A “bunch of dudes”? One of whom is Bradley Cooper. Sydney Pollack cast himself in The Interpreter because the production was low on cash. Wilde is no Cooper or Pollack. 

The challenging things really don’t make any sense. Rian is the ultimate “I would rather prove I’m clever than tell a coherent story” writer. (See all his other work). It works for people who like clever things more than they like coherent stories.

And then when Holdo’s actual plan was revealed it was the biggest WTF?? moment in any of the movies, for sure.

BSG’s “33" was definitely better than TLJ’s ‘outrun the baddies’ storyline. Such a great episode to follow the pilot/mini-series

I just thought the core of The Last Jedi was a poor man’s remake of the first Battlestar Galactica episode ‘33'. Given that it was over 13 years older than TLJ and made on a TV budget probably 50 to 100 times less than this movie was even more baffling to me.

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Subverting expectations is a pointless and empty exercise if it is not in the service of story, or any larger theme. In fairness to Rian, TLJ is just part of a massive cautionary tale on what happens when you commit to making three movies without any story outline. 

Same reason we poured billions into Ford and GM during World War II.

It’s like a contest to see how much he can spend!