
Remind me why this guy gets to come back when Armie Hammer--who was never charged, let alone convicted of something--is selling timeshares? Is it a complexion issue, or it more complicated than that?

This is probably the dumbest shit I've heard all week. I'm sure you're donating all your spare cash to help die in the streets of Seattle 

You can care about two things

I wonder if part of it is that we’re much further away from AI-written feature films than AI-written click-bait articles. In fact, they’ve been showing up more and more already, and they’re exactly as unoriginal as thi...wait a second...

It sucks that any discussion about it devolves pretty quickly into outrage and other really strong emotions, because yeah, it stops us from having those discussions - discussions we need to have because the technology has arrived and isn’t going to go away - and because it makes people really irrational.

Yeah, this is such a boring fucking take. Why even bother flagging these comments if he can’t say anything interesting about them?

Because the AVClub is on the side of the “AI BAD ALWAYS AND FOREVER” crowd who is to busy throwing their clogs into the machine to realize that it’s not the end of civilization

If you have any interest at all in the history of technology, you’ll probably come away with a couple of conclusions, and among them are:

I hope we get at least a few great, human-written scripts produced with AI-generated assets that wouldn’t have been made otherwise.

I just watched the short, it's inoffensive and charming. Why be such a dishonest hater.

Yes, AI art sucks. It sucks about the same as human writers who trot out the same 3 jokes and observations about AI every single fucking time they talk about it. Maybe AI can’t generate new material, but you probably should. 

(As to the other accusations from the original Guardian article, basically alleging that Coppola acted like an 85-year-old auteur on the set of the movie, firing his effects crew, refusing to ask other people’s advice, and using outdated filming techniques, they go largely unaddressed in the Times piece.)

Bud, the only one playing the victim here is you. How dare someone voice an opinion that you don’t agree with.

See here’s the thing sport. The AV Club used to just be about well written TV criticism. It’s you whackos who’ve turned it into a whiny little lefty safe haven. How far this site has fallen. 

All of the junior activists showed up to comment on this one. A person is singular, therefore cannot be referred to as “they”. You can attempt to hijack the meaning of words all you’d like, nobody outside of your little echo chamber plays along. 

Bronn was in Season 1. So was Syrio Forel, who served much the same role that the characters I listed in my post play in later seasons — entertaining non-royal characters and genuinely good people.

I watched all of season 1, and expect to watch all of season 2. But I can’t for the life of me understand how much this show has missed what made Game of Thrones appealing.

And Hogwarts Legacy was the best selling game of 2023 despite all the internet crybullies demanding a boycott. NORMAL PEOPLE DON’T CARE ABOUT ROWLING’S POLITICS.

Tilda Swinton would’ve been better. Cassandra Nova was the first thing that popped up in head when I saw her in Dr Strange.

I loved season 1 of Reacher and I think it will only get better and better.