
I’m 44, have a master’s degree in English, and have worked for over twenty years as an editor and technical writer and I had to look it up. 

Yeah I feel for Pugh as well. People genuinely seem to like her and she has a great rep, and works on good projects. I think she went into this one feeling certain she was collaborating with another Great Gerwig. But the two directors couldn’t be more different.

I’m fifty years old and I’ve never heard the word traduce or traducing before. Is this some Mandela effect bullshit?

I don’t think they really listen to one another, they just like to hear themselves bla bla bla.

Indeed, if that’s typical of Hollywood communications, it sounds utterly exhausting to just have a chat.

I’ve left jobs and been asked to leave jobs; there was never that much flowery prose and blessings involved.

A movie I will happily avoid in all its toxic forms.

Ehh, just sounds like normal hollywood feel good faux positive bullshit.

Her statements sound like they were vetted by no less than a half dozen lawyers, agents and PR reps.

Rich people do thing.

Another important thing to consider is agriculture, which contributes to climate change significantly more than fossil fuel-based transportation in most countries.

We’re not past the point of no return, but simply replacing every ICE vehicle with an EV is nowhere near a big enough step to make a dent in the climate crisis. When you look at the increased infrastructure wear and mining/manufacturing of batteries, the benefits are marginal compared to simple ICE econoboxes and

Yeah we were watching a villain origin story all along. I understand not liking that twist, but I question a TV reviewer who can’t grasp the objective plot movements. 

“... ended with what is arguably the most poorly thought-out character assassination in television history: In a rushed heel turn, Daenerys Targaryen, our intelligent, ambitious, and charismatic (if controversial) heroine for eight seasons, looked down on King’s Landing from astride her dragon, went abruptly apeshit,

Good lord Mr. Fantastic, THAT was a stretch! Even Stenberg does not go there. You have two women, one who is trying to claim social bullying (in a DM no less) and one who is claiming to be the victim of body shaming, when the comment was directed at the studio (A24) and their body of work in general.

It took years for Bruce to learn to master his rage because, in a male-dominated society, he never had to before he got his powers. Men are allowed, even invited, to fly off the handle; but women learn to hold their anger back from a young age.”

The same complaints you just mentioned had all been happening since SEASON 3. But the fans were so rabid that they excused all of that and somehow (incredibly unrealistically knowing there would be half a season left), thought the final episodes would put an end to everything perfectly.
I liked the finale because

And as someone who liked the ending, even my own interest in the franchise is long gone because i feel like there is nobody else who would watch it with me.
Maybe they should have set their sights lower and just done one show.

I thought Harrington had become an incredibly compelling actor around Season 3 of GoT and carried it through the rest of the show. I don’t really see how much of a story there is left to tell about slightly older Jon Snow living in self-imposed exile North of the now-unfrozen beyond-the-wall territory, but if it means

I like the show overall but IMO, the direction is really heavy-handed and makes the show hard to watch at times. It’s already somewhat anxiety-inducing to see some of the chefs combat against each other due to personality or stylistic differences. It ramps it up to pure stress when the show has characters yelling with