
Look at Gnarly Rae over here,  proving the broken clock theory with this comment.  

Meh, I’d choose Australia or New Zealand if I had the privilege to move and needed a majority English-speaking country. UK weather is too dreary.

apparantly you didn’t watch the case? Because there were hours of recordings of her being abusive as shit. Yes there are internet douchbags, but that’s not what was at court. 

Amber Heard was not “a fucking human being in a bad situation”. She was a fucking liar who pretended to be a victim to make herself more popular and to hurt her ex. Story as old as time.

Difference being that JD owned up to his toxicity, Amber did not. Now Amber is playing up the “imperfect victim” vibe while during the trial she did anything to be that perfect victim, even lie. 

She lied and it is on tape in her own words that she did abuse him. I’m a abuse survivor and she is not telling the truth. Her comment about ice reducing swelling of a broken nose overnight and her nose looking perfect the next day is laughable to say the least. I take no delight in this it's just the truth. Her

Cute conspiracy theory.

Sorry for the women? An innocent man was vindicated by a jury of his peers. If women feel they need to be silent because an innocent man won a libel case, they might have good reason to...

So this is the second time Obi-Wan bested Anakin in a duel and simply left him wounded on the battlefield to the torment and suffering of countless systems to come as a result of Kenobi’s mercy.

You fear truth Jimmy. You’re either ignorant of the long list of facts in this case that are overwhelmingly in favour of JD, or You’re just gleefully stupid. Hours of audio. Cellphone conversations as well, where she FRGN admits why she falsely accused JD of dv. She says it to JD in a phone conversation !. What more

Yep, ignore the trial because it destroyed your narrative.

Because you're garbage. Men are victims too. You obviously didn't follow any of the trial at all and believe that the jury are a bunch of idiots who can't be unbiased. BS. Go somewhere else with your conspiracy theories snowflake.

Viktor still identified as female in s1 and s2. 

Daring to be an abusive and shitty human being, sure. Look, I understand that Johnny is no angel in this situation, but let’s just stick to the evidence; she was shitty too and deserves to get flak for that.

The belief that women can’t be toxic is absurd! I’m a woman, I know many women who have used their sex as a weapon against men just because they can. In fact, women can be far more conniving and abusive in very covert ways.

Meanwhile thousands of men remain silent because they get called a liar the second they suggest their beaong abused. But you don’t care about that do you, while you sling accusations of misogyny, because that’s the ONLY possible reason someone could take a negative stance about Amber. Is she is a woman. Not due to her

Pusbing back? First off, the article author says “nobody remembers what the trial was about”. It happened like a month ago. Who has forgotten? The author of the article is extremely biased on amber heards side and is in no way objective. Amber acted completely crazy during the trial, and there was evidence to show her

Lying to the jury, getting caught photoshopping iphone photos, being heard on tape gaslighting depp saying no one will believe him, cops not arresting depp or giving heard domestic violence because in the female cops estimation - heard was faking, lying about donating money, lying about taking a dump in a bed, lying

Sorry, but I disagree. The fact you believe men only can be toxic, just for being men, and this woman can’t be toxic, manipulative or violent, just for the fact she is a woman, it’s the worse case of mysoginy.

I’m not one of those people who think the events of Jan 6 was nothing. It was an attempt to disrupt and possibly overturn election results simply because their guy said he got cheated (he didn’t).