
You’re not wrong, but if I want to go anywhere that requires a lot of driving then it becomes an issue. Also, aren’t house chargers expensive to install for the ones that don’t suck?

Only if one remembered to plug it in...

It’s not the number of chargers, it’s being able to charge while not at home in an amount of time that makes it convenient. 30 minutes is still far too long when it takes me <5 to fill up my gasoline cars.

Well, there’s a comment elsewhere here where the suggestion was to start a driver/crew union that is only for the LGBT community. That’s suggesting exactly what they’re trying to bring to an end, apparently? Discrimination, exclusion, etc. I’m all for inclusion, so let’s move forward and quit labeling everything and

Dafuq it matter which team you play for after-hours as long as you contribute and are respected on your day-team?

...which denies racers the chance to simply live their lives without judgement

Really, why do we care what the driver or crew’s sexuality is?

Ok, Henry...if you say it’s a fact, then it should be easy to back up with something other than your accusation. Let’s hear it.

Absolutely! I am 100% in favor of gay rights, period. But as long as Chik-fil-A is willing to serve and treat their gay customers and employees just as they would anyone else, I am also in favor of their owners right to “support traditional marriage”. We don’t have to paint everyone that doesn’t support something with

Please provide one example of how they are “homophobic”. There’s a pretty big difference between supporting traditional marriage due to your religious convictions and being a homophobe or a bigot.

I haven’t been following this story all that much mainly due to the fact that I can’t stand either person involved. Is Portman claiming she expressed her feelings to Moby during college that he was a creep and she was not interested in his pursuit of her affections? 

He’s admitted to have severe drug problems in that era and to still being unable to connect with people romantically. I’m sure he was a “creep,” but I think it was probably more of a weirdo with bad communication and signal reading.

I think the argument being made is that the catch would be, they would only get to opt out if women did too (by having an abortion, which would have to be legal). So men’s ability to opt out would be contingent on abortions being legal. I don’t think it’s very feasible but it’s an interesting argument, from a

A woman introduced the abortion ban legislation in Alabama and a woman governor signed it.

I respect your opinion. We just have a difference in what we view as the story arc. In both books and show, I’ve always felt that the arc was that goodness rarely gets rewarded and the innocent often suffer at the hands of those in power. I recognize that’s just my opinion, but after seeing leader after leader fall to

I think what disappoints me about it is for a story that always reveled in defying expectations “Mad Queen is Mad” is not very interesting. And I think they really ramped shit up in a really unsatisfying way. Like all of the characters seemed absolutely determined to push her off the deep end. "You mad yet? How about

I do agree that it would have been better to have a longer dissent, but I do think that we have had multiple characters and multiple seasons of people having to tell her she can’t just burn down King’s Landing. One of the people that was holding her back (Jorah) was now gone and her trust in the other (Tyrion) was

The whole point of GoT is it doesn't care if you think it's a shit message. This was the Red Wedding writ large. Turning everything on its head.

I would agree with you except that imo Dany has always been prone to overreacting and reacting in a way that is prone to killing people. Usually, those are bad people. No one was concerned about her killing Cersei because arguably Cersei is worse than her. It was killing innocent people. But how many times has she had

I am curious, how forgiving can we be towards behavior like this? I’ve read Winter’s recounting of the experience, and definitely agree that its abhorrent and and unacceptable. But I also have the luxury that someone like Hoffman didn’t, of having grown up in a society that developed as a response to the kind of