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    Let’s just be glad he didn’t stand up for women’s rights. That would be like being a “nazi” according to a bunch of angry male fetishists…

    Phew! Good thing he didn’t talk about rapists like Tremayne Deon Carroll, who tried to “identify as a woman” (so easy these days!) so he can spend his time in women’s prison. This crap seems to happen all of the time, yet the grooming gender Nazis don’t care about women’s rights anymore than they care about the safety

    I love this stuff. Gender fascists take the bait. Every. Damn. Time…

    So… What IS your point? He’s pointing out how silly pronouners are, and you’re just saying, “well, we’re really really hateful, too!”

    Strange how these oversensitive and fascist-like cultists can go from being so into “diversity” to just being angry assholes in seconds flat. Not surprising you’d pull the grammar nazi act. Over compelled speech. You leftists can’t even act like human beings.

    To think of how intolerant these single digit cultists are - I feel bad. They don’t seem able to connect with people when they can’t even deal with the most basics of life. It’s so weird to hear these kids talk. The college kids sounds like they’re still in Montessori school.

    Looking at some of the performative outrage from gender weirdos over compelled speech, clearly Scientologists aren’t the most insufferable cultists anymore.

    Kiddo… I love the anger over a simple pronoun joke, you’re clearly a person with “values” (LOL) but here’s the thing, ya looney; with normal people you don’t have to be forced to use the wrong adjectives/pronouns with them in the first place.

    Interesting that you’re okay with compelled speech but act like an offended Christian when somebody makes a little joke about your religion.

    Wow… You cultists really ARE sensitive.

    You sure you’re replying to the right person? The comment you’re supposedly replying to didn’t list comedic relief characters…

    No REACHER??? The show figuratively and literally kicks the asses of just about every other show on that list…

    LOL… What’s “weird” about a man directing a superhero movie?

    Great new hardware upgrades and major Logic Pro upgrades FOR FREE. Only troll is you, kid.

    What’s the sarcasm face for? Does acting fussy about Logic Pro getting cool new features really get you an ounce of satisfaction? It’s great software and it’s about to get better.

    Only a creatively inept neck beard would take that away from such a harmless spot… LOTS of people manage to use Apple’s hardware for art without any fuss over a… commercial.

    Thinner/lighter sounds great to me! I love my 11” iPad Pro but it could use a bit of weight saving… If you’re incapable of treating a $1,000 tablet responsibly, buy a cheap Samsung or Amazon tablet.

    Heaven forbid a woman speak out against convicted rapists and murderers, eh? Gotta put boys with a thing for panties above the rights of actual women. With misogynist fetishists like this, who needs enemies (or violent animals)?

    They’re so “well adjusted” that they can’t even stick up for women’s rights, or even define what a woman IS. Such great cultists…

    Most of her comments seem to be focused on things like convicted male rapists using gender crap to serve their time in women’s prisons, o the recent Cass Report, which shows how damaging pushing a confused child toward body mutilation is. Sadly, the trans cultists don’t seem to have an honest bone in their perverted