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    They weren't talking about you but I guess you shouldn't pass up an opportunity to victimize yourself...

    It’s the internet, kiddo. Don’t invest that much emotion into it... If you need to anonymously virtue signal online you should share that stuff with a therapist.


    Until gender cultists are honest about the irreversible damage of “trans care”, convicted male rapists, mass shooters, and the rampant misogyny they have no right to talk about harm done to others.

    Rowling focuses on convicted male rapists and how they’re trying to serve their time in women's prisons, among other issues women have a right to worry about without getting shamed and slandered.

    With what Honda and Toyota continue to do with the Accord and Camry, the Legacy barely had a chance outside of Subie loyalists. Didn't have any Subaru outdoorsiness or funkiness, many probably wind up going with an Outback instead.

    Is there going to be an actual villain or just They/Them Corin trying her hardest to ham it up?

    “Artist”??? You must be joking. What qualifies anything he’s done as music? You could use AI and come up with a generated song with more soul in a minute or two. Also, bad singers using lots of plug ins and auto tune to fix their voices only wind up sounding worse…

    Getting attacked by violent homeless people is a pretty good argument for not wanting them living near you, actually.... But if you want to live in a ghetto, you do you...

    How privileged of an ahole do you have to be that you’re trying to virtue signal about people getting attacked by the homeless?

    Seems like he touched a nerve with Generation Idiocracy…

    I’m sure the mindless TikTockers will be pleased with your white knighting. I just hope Michael J. Fox gets over your ruthless assessment of his acting skills. The most creatively inept seem to really resent successful people

    “he’s acting like the entertainment industry wasn’t powered for over a century by sexual coercion”

    If you used Apple stuff and had modern TV with Apple support, streaming from a website to your TV is pretty easy... A Google casting device would work, too.

    When I watched it he came across as someone who was there before the bad days, so it didn't feel too much like an ambush. Sounds like they could have been more honest with him though.

    I don’t get how/why this white dude is “trans.” He’s clearly male, he acts and looks like a guy. This crap is just silly… The entitlement with this guy is off the charts.

    I can’t help but wonder if they didn’t have a finished screenplay or even a real concept for this series… You had all the actors, cameras and production to make a show - and… I’m really surprised this got made. Great news for people who can’t tell stories that want to break into Hollywood, I guess?

    I would wager that a lot of the most slimy fetishists love licking boots...

    How dare you post your thoughts on the internet without some empty virtue signaling. Do the work. Be better.

    I’m just waiting for the Jackass guys to jump on the victimization train... “The movies made me look stupid and caused me pain.”