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    Alternate history = problematic... It’s amazing to see those drunk on wokeness get offended by speculative fiction. It’s like you get a high from the emptiest of outrages.

    I’d take Weaveworld over Imajica but it’d be nice to see one of Barker’s bigger novels on the small screen.

    You wasted a lot of word there, kiddo. If you’ve ever known any person/family that is faced with cancer you wouldn't make such a pathetically entitled comment. Touch grass, kid.

    The “Nazis"... 

    I’ll happily take “To Sleep in a Sea of Stars” over “Hyperion.” Some of the tales in Hyperion are pretty dull. Or give me The Independency series. Or the Time Oddessy series.

    The dip shits are those who would waste energy defending the last several seasons of Lost. It was a terrible second half of ridiculous proportions.

    Fortunately Miller follows his own instincts, not LaurenceQ’s, eh? When you make your own movies, you do you.

    Would you say that driving innocent kids to mutilate themselves is also a concern when it comes to our autonomy and our bodies? Before the creepy gender fascists we never saw such a large population of desperately brainwashed childred. Even the worst of the far right have never been so devious. It isn’t the

    It sounds like they even skip over vile and violent stuff the cult like brainwashing of children, driving them to mutilate themselves. You could make a neverending series about the devious practices of the morally inept, eh?

    Yet Hehim Pascal made the same sort of comments about “Nazis”, yet didn’t get fired...

    To be fair, lefties don't seem to like any women unless they have a penis. Normal people have a right to speak, too. 

    LOL. She didn't say anything worth getting so hateful about. Why are gender fetisists so violently dishonest?

    How dare he believe in what 99% of the universe believes when it to comes to sex and gender, eh?

    You sound like you're describing a white male crossdresser. Nothing more...

    You sound like a well balanced person... Why is it you misogynist fetishists are so hateful?

    LOL, kiddo. She’s never done anything of the sort... She’s not the one who let her little brother irreversibility mutilate himself.

    There is no evidence it ever did. Gender fascists tend to be angry white fetisists. You don’t think they’d be honest when it comes to a woman who dares speak up for herself!

    A creepy dude that drove his little brother to mutilating himself is no hero.

    LOL... If she’s antisemitic then He Him Pascal is a straight up Nazi. Dude was posting the same WWII type of imagery. Just he was the one using it to suggest those who disagree with him are Nazis. Gina just pointed out the way people use politics to turn on each other.

    He doesn't drink...