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    For years now people in the workforce and academia have had their lives ruined but some entitled little lefties put quotes around cancel culture as if a single minute of researching doesn’t prove it’s existence...

    You do realize phones can be turned sideways and they still can play (and record) video?

    No mention of software? Between Photos, Pages, iMovie, GarageBand, Numbers, and the rest of Apple’s out of the box offerings, plus iPhone integration, I think the MacBook Pro is a much better option as far as usability goes for basic productivity.

    Because it’s a game that needs and deserves a refreshing and optimization.

    He’s all concept, no story or character.

    Believing in reality isn’t particularly “racist”, “homophobic”, or “sexist.”

    At least they know what the words “man” and “woman” mean, eh?

    If normal people are supposedly “genital focused”, any thoughts on the cultists driving young kids to mutilate their genitals? Hmmm?

    “TERFs, ultimately, only have one rule: what I say goes.”

    Misogynists still use TERF to bash women that don’t think being a woman is cosplay? You incels never give up...

    Sounds like user error. You should be grateful the game has given you something to whine about.

    Most people I know didn’t have any issues completing the game... Easily one of the best games ever made. I’d feel like a moron to whine about it.

    I find all the endless exposition and cardboard cutout bad guys much more terrifying.

    You’re never going to win an argument with a fascist. Let the child wallow and seethe in hatred. It apparently takes several decades for some kids to reach adulthood.

    It’s mighty fascist of the you to try to shut someone down with dishonest insults because you’re too young and intolerant to discuss anything.

    Who’s the “d-bag”; a person talking about something that has been going on for years or the child who is so deep in the rabbit hole that they’re incapable of researching or discussing it?

    What’s there to “agree” regarding the endless examples of cancel culture over the years. The fact you’re incapable even acknowledging it simply means the propagandists you read for some weird reason ignore it every time it happens...

    And those horrible right wingers get a kick out of you angry little gender fascist incels.... Everything balances out.

    That darn “fascist” Gina Carano. Women should just shut up and stay in the kitchen, eh? That “bleep bloop” comment was simply unforgivable - while all the angry incels that hate her for no good reason are clearly rational adults.

    Time to touch some grass, kiddo...