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    Probably both..  Odds are the weirdo thinks that regarding anyone who disagrees with them...

    That was no “lady” that tried to shoot up the church the other day...

    Hopefully this won’t stop somebody from telling an actual compelling story about the man. Nolan’s movies just feel like parodies at this point. And he gets rewarded for it... Ass: The Motion Picture can’t be far behind.

    What’s “luxurious” about the Model 3? 

    LOL. It sounds like being an entitled actor… I was going to build the tiniest violin for the guy but would up making a nice little tamborine I’m going to rattle in his honor. I hope the man survives.

    I did. He didn’t get chewed up… He survived getting paid millions of dollars to get ripped and act in a movie, as scary as all that sounds. He’s a grown man. He doesn’t need your coddling.

    ??? You’re trying to victimize yourself for people complimenting you on the shape you’re in??? Jesus Christ.

    I imagine some of the big corporate interior design and real estate firms are buying as many as possible. They’re going to be able to let clients walk through an empty building and see potential designs fully laid out for them to explore.

    Considering the guy does 100% of the driving and Uber makes... an application, I’d say the profits are going to the wrong people...

    I blame the creepy Mandalorian he/him guy. Also in The Last of Us…

    Steely Dan was so far beyond the other acts and their album is so wonderfully written and recorded - I’m not surprised they won. They deserved it. 

    Uh oh, self-righteous mask Nazi alert!

    How fragile are you that you can't acknowledge your own biological sex?

    Isn’t that Volvo on Consumer Report’s most unreliable cars list for 2024?

    Several great Subies on the list. All three have wonderful ride quality. Best of in the list, for the most part. I’m not complaining… Most people above the age of 16 aren’t playing racer boy. Nobody cares if you drive an “enthusiast” car.

    “Regressive, fascist movements depend on economic inequality.”

    I would argue, at least by reading their words, that most crossdressers hate women with a passion even more.

    Huh? Y’all love treating being a woman as cosplay yet can’t show any decency. Not surprised.

    Wow... If someone has “nothing to offer” for not finding a comedian funny, I can only imagine what you think of the angry pervs bashing Chappelle... You gender Nazis are a lovely bunch.

    He was on stage left, FYI. But yeah, Chappelle is really “far right” for believing in the normal definition of man/woman.